October 15th, 2008 / 5:07 pm

we interrupt MEAN WEEK to appreciate something awesome

Yes, friends, there’s a new issue of NO: A Journal of the Arts out. It’s #7 and it’s–as mentioned above–awesome. The first poem in it is “Treatment,” a poem by Heather Christle, which I was lucky enough to hear HC read at The Lucky Cat in Brooklyn last Friday. There are collages by Keith Waldrop, printed in glorious full-color; excerpts from Richard Foreman’s notebooks (“I make things so that I will have to explain–to myself–what I have done.”); and new work from folks such as Rae Armantrout, Ann Lauterbach, Kate Colby (with what I think is an erasure of Thomas Hardy), Thalia Field, Lyn Hejinian, Nathaniel Mackey, and many more besides. 

Here’s a short poem by C.D. Wright from the issue-

Back Forty Poem


a barn held up by a pitchfork

surrounded by field on field

of wildflowers, butterflies,

cow pies, beyond which,

the snake-infested woods

the high-voltage fence

the big-stripe inmates


And here’s two lines from Ann Lauterbach’s “Ants in the Sugar (Blanchot/Mallarme)”

arousal from stupor   lifting its head

        to be silenced and to begin again


And now since I can’t find any of Waldrop’s collages from the issue online, here’s an entirely unrelated one that he did with Clark Coolidge-

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  1. Sakkis

      just in at Small Press Distribution…

  2. Sakkis

      just in at Small Press Distribution…