
25 Points: Her


1. Joaquin Phoenix’s mustache first attracted me to this film.

2. The year 2025 seems like a very lonely, interestingly fashionable time.

3. People are so lazy in 2025 that they hire writers to compose love letters for them.

4. Joaquin Phoenix has a picture of a naked, pregnant woman on his phone.

5. Who gets off by being strangled with a dead cat?

6. Joaquin Phoenix needs to stop going after terrible women.

7. Life lesson from this movie: don’t fall in love. Ever.

8. This film reminded me how lonely I am.

9. Realized that Spike Jonze and I have a similar vision of a day where it becomes fashionable to sport a mustache once more.

10. Samantha and all the other Operating Systems reminded me of a friendly version of Skynet.

11. Phone sex is apparently a big deal in 2025.

12. Realized that the OS companions, such as Phoenix’s Samantha, are a giant metaphor for one-sided relationships.

13. The sex surrogate scene is awkward and terribly sad.

14. Why doesn’t Hollywood come up with more original ideas like this? (Because Hollywood sucks and doesn’t give a damn about what makes a good story anymore.)

15. To go along with point #14, we need more directors and writers like Spike Jonze.

16. I wanted to give Joaquin Phoenix a big hug after watching this film.

17. Her made me reflect on my own past relationships.

18. An indie love story hasn’t made me “feel the feels” like this since Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

19. I’d rather not live in a world where technology would have this much hold over our lives. Phoenix falls in love with an Operating System to fill a void in his life. People use social media to fill a void in their lives. Both yield negative results.

20. This film made me cry.

21. Her was probably the best film to come out in 2013.

22. Justice was actually served when Jonze won Best Original Screenplay at the 86th Academy Awards. (Similar emotions were experienced when Bon Iver won two Grammys in 2012.)

23. To the skeptics that haven’t seen this film but heard about it: I promise you it’s not just about a guy falling in love with his computer.

24. “2 Atoms In a Molecule” by Noah and the Whale fits the major theme of this film perfectly.

25. To wrap up: Her is strangely timeless. It tackles universal themes such as loneliness and existential wonderment on what the point of everything is. I recommend it to anybody and everybody.

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  1. Trey

      one spike jonze is more than enough

  2. deadgod

      3. People have been lazy – or unconfident in their articulacy – enough to hire love- (and other) letter writers (other than Cyrano de Bergerac) for many decades.

      7. Lesson I take from Her: don’t fall in love with someone whose intellect isn’t complementary to your own.

      12. —”one-sided” because the program is too smart to find a person – any person (?) – lastingly interesting.

      13. Do (heterosexual, sex-positive) men get shy with “sex surrogates” because those men aren’t misogynistic, or because they’re too misogynistic?

      14. I think there are plenty of “ideas” in Hollywood; shittily stupid movies come from what’s between ideas and $: the decision-making of smart people who think the mass audience is stupid. (Are they wrong? I mean, how could you tell if they were?)

      19. More–or smarter–technology isn’t likely to solve, say, crippling loneliness (or rage or fear or grief or hedonism or whatever), but neither is less–or more reductive–technology.

      25. I like it a lot, too. I liked that the makers didn’t try to preempt or refute cynicism about the movie in the movie.

  3. felipemiguel

      26. Teal and orange colors in every single scene.

  4. New Pop Lit

      What has become of the image of a writer? Hapless. Helpless. Weepy. Wimpy. No wonder the larger culture dismisses writers. Ask yourself: What would Hemingway think? James Jones? Norman Mailer? :-)

  5. mimi

      Her made me feel better about my own relationship with technology

      and i loved the movie’s futuristic vision of LA – crowded but kind, folks still searching for the same-ol’ same-ol’

      and i loved the oranges – all of which tended towards red-orange

      and the waistbands