July 6th, 2009 / 5:38 pm


  1. Catherine Lacey

      That blog unsettles me. Sometimes it’s funny but usually it has this smug, self-deprecating wannabe-martyr attitude that makes me wretch. No one put a gun to the girls head and made her work for a big corporate publisher.

  2. Catherine Lacey

      That blog unsettles me. Sometimes it’s funny but usually it has this smug, self-deprecating wannabe-martyr attitude that makes me wretch. No one put a gun to the girls head and made her work for a big corporate publisher.

  3. Janey Smith


  4. Janey Smith


  5. Aaron

      amen — plus it’s riddled with innaccuracies (like my spelling). she’s mistaken having an inside look as having insight to offer. bleh

  6. Aaron

      amen — plus it’s riddled with innaccuracies (like my spelling). she’s mistaken having an inside look as having insight to offer. bleh