April 30th, 2010 / 11:34 pm

The winners of the weird words for Words contest are Sabra Embury & Sean K. Their entries, respectively:

A fall, it takes, eats–mother crams him, burnt and opaque; her glimpses diamond heavy, dog tired dead, yes–their wall runs blood.


Her fall: a tired mother glimpses their dead dog’s burnt, opaque blood, “Diamond, yes!” wall-runs and takes him, eats, crams it.


Please email satorpress at gmail dot com to claim your book.


  1. Sabra Embury

      Effin lovely. Thank you.

  2. Sabra Embury

      Effin lovely. Thank you.

  3. James Davis

      hi 5 sabra

  4. James Davis

      hi 5 sabra