
Go Ahead: It is Friday

my father warned me about men and booze but he never said anything about women and cocaine.

for seasickness? a glass of champagne.

the sooner you know your lines the sooner we can go out for a drink.

look at that bitch, carl, look at that!

la-dee-da, lost at sea again…

i am hag-ridden with ambition.

this isn’t drink. It’s only wine!

dance? I’ll waltz your ass right up against that wall.

a blend of champagne, gin, a spot of sugar, a squirt of lemon juice, the whole topped off with a brandy float.

i don’t want to be taught!

i’m quick on the bottle.

codeine…bourbon… (last words [?])

if I had to live my life again, I’d make the same mistakes, only sooner.

Film & Random / 22 Comments
February 26th, 2010 / 5:32 pm

It is Friday: Go Right Ahead

Not usually this early in the morning, but as a mild laxative.

Go easy on the beer. And lay off the hard liquor until I get back.

Honey, drinking is war.


Drinking is a way of ending the day.

Got tight last night on absinthe and did knife tricks.

Are you stiff?

Don’t try to make a mystery of it.

Do I know you?

Was the young mechanic drunk?

You’re very glum. My sore throat is over. Let’s swim now.

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February 5th, 2010 / 4:54 pm

It is Friday: Go Right Ahead

It was also good for starting a campfire.

Suddenly life has become quite full of monoethic ninnies and nannies who address life solely as a problem to be solved.

Hangovers have all the charm of a rattlesnake cracking its jaws as it swallows a toad.

I simply loved the flavor and a tear formed when I poured it out in the sink after gazing at it for several hours.

It’s hard to determine pathology in a society where everything is pathological.

Naturally, there are special occasions.

The reason to moderate is to avoid having to quit, thus losing a pleasure that’s been with us forever.

By dawn eager flies had gathered.


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January 29th, 2010 / 6:29 pm

It is Friday: Go Right Ahead.

I spent whole summers at Neauphle alone except for drink.

I don’t know the medical term for it.

Alcohol was invented to help us bear the void in the universe–the motion of the planets, the imperturbable wheeling through space, their silent indifference to the place of our pain.

I used to work out systems for doing the same as everyone else.

Alcohol’s job is to replace creation.

But alcohol can’t produce anything that lasts. It’s just wind.

We live in a world paralyzed with principles.

I’d forgotten how to walk.

Nor is there any consolation for stopping drinking.


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January 22nd, 2010 / 6:19 pm