My Favorite Kind of List
All this blahblahblah about end of the year lists makes me hungry. So lets talk about my favorite kind of list: the grocery list. Amanda Nazario recently completed a project that compiled a bunch of grocery lists into a zine titled THE GROCERY LIST LIST. You can go to her blog post about it here and contact her if you’d like her to send you one (or if you’d like to send her your own lists). The above picture is a sample of the zine, which you can see big here.
Help Amanda Nazario Take Her Radio Show Across The Country

Things You Should Know About Nazario Scenario On WHFR That Are Crucial To Your Understanding Of It by Amanda Nazario
Friend of HTMLGIANT Amanda Nazario needs your help. She’d like to take her radio show, the Nazario Scenario, currently broadcast via Washington Heights Free Radio, across the country in a van outfitted with mobile wifi, a turntable, a cd player, mics, and other cool stuff, but she needs cash.
You can read about her project over at her Kickstarter donations page. The basics are as follows:
-Donations of $10,000 by October 15th, 2009.
-Purchase of a van
-Installation of necessary equipment
-Learn to drive!
-Travel the country broadcasting for WHFR
Pledge your support through the Kickstarter page (watch her video). Comment on her blog. Look at her drawings. Read her stories. Follow her on Twitter. Do nice things for her and maybe she’ll visit your home and make you an honorary DJ or something.
Good luck, Amanda.