at a party guys…
Dumb fact guy
Brings 6 of beer has one left and takes it home with him guy
Has to phone girlfriend every four minutes guy
Guy who brings cheap jug of wine guy
Guy who gets pet drunk guy
Guy who turns everything into a bet guy
Doesn’t really want to go then dominates all conversations guy
Brings cheap 6 pack and you see him all night drinking Heinekens and Guinness guy
Let’s go out back and get high guy
Bum a smoke guy
Is this an open bar? guy
Way too old for this scene guy
Guy who just whips out his junk guy
Guy with hot, bored wife guy
Steal the silverware guy
Check the weather on phone and tell us the weather guy
Carries a gun to the party guy
Guy with guitar guy
Constantly gets laid guy
Profoundly depressed over break-up mopey guy
“When I was in Spain…” guy