shelf unbound

Shelf Unbound — “Unbound” being a play on bindings online

Anybody got the skinny on Shelf Unbound?

A few months ago I started receiving press releases from them. They’re a new electronic magazine that promise to “feature the best of small press, university press, and self-published books.” Okay, cool, I was excited that a group I had never heard of was doing something that could be so monumental for indie lit, which is like my main deal. And they’re thinking big, I noted from the first of the three points they said would interest me, which was that they’re offering a free copy of the first issue to the first 10,000 people who request them.

To break that down, the two things that impressed me are READ MORE >

Web Hype / 3 Comments
September 17th, 2010 / 11:00 am