Terence Malick

Cinema x 3: Melancholia, The Tree of Life, Feature Friday


You no doubt read Greg Gerke’s deeply critical post about Lars von Trier’s Melancholia. Curtis White has now posted his own much more positive impressions of the film. I’ve tried convincing the two of them to go at it like me and Chris Higgs—I even introduced them during AWP—but they’re being too polite. Chime in in the comments section, demanding blood!


Martin Seay is currently posting a series on Tree of Life; the first part went up yesterday, and part 2 is supposedly forthcoming today. (Meanwhile, don’t miss Martin’s meditations on Anonymous.)

(My own thoughts on Tree are here. I have nothing to say about Anonymous.)


Every Friday at Big Other, I’m posting links to feature-length films that are up at YouTube. And I’m doing it for you!

Film & Roundup / 8 Comments
March 15th, 2012 / 8:01 am