What’s Up, Rumpus?

Random snag from the website of Ian Huebert, genius.
Last night I was introduced to Ivy Pochoda at a bar. Very, very smart, that one is. She spoke of the difficulties of translating Egyptian hieroglyphs (tell me about it!) and knows quite a bit about James Merrill beside. Maybe it’s because she was a James Merrill House fellow last spring? Maybe… Anyway, this morning, the Rumpus greeted me with Kate Munning’s glowing review of Pochoda’s debut novel, The Art of Disappearing, which is just out from St. Martin’s Press. Cheers, Ivy!
Elsewhere at the Rumpus, Rozi Jovanovic runs down the Brooklyn Book Fair.
Porter Shreve interviews Donald Ray Pollock (Knockemstiff).
And there’s a new installment of Ian Huebert’s rad comic, Pornographic Barn Owl.
Special Ian Huebert Bonus: visit his site: The Milk Machine.