January 25th, 2012 / 2:00 pm
Web Hype

Flamingo Rampant! Gender Independent Kids Books

The amazing writer S. Bear Bergman has started a Kickstarter to fund a really exciting, much needed project: Flamingo Rampant–Gender Independent Kids Books. 


Kids’ ability to see themselves in books available to them is an incredibly valuable thing. Any parent, teacher, librarian, or caregiver will tell you that kids love books that reflect their daily experience. Kids with dogs like it when the kid in the book has a dog; kids with non-nuclear family structures cherish books in which families like theirs are shown.

Knowing this – or instinctively grasping it, as most of us do – makes it easy to see the value of children’s books with trans characters to trans or gender-independent kids (or kids with transgender family members).

More details here! This is definitely a project worth throwing a few dollars at.


  1. Brian M

      I worked at a bookstore 10 yrs ago and there was a kids picture books with an androgynous couple and their child. All the employees thought it was cool, and we tried to determine if it was a guy and girl, or girl and girl, or guy and guy; as the story never signified either way. We couldn’t say, and thought it could work for any gay couple or a straight couple. The story was traditional. I can’t remember the name though.

  2. Dawn West

      Love this!