September 8th, 2009 / 5:39 pm
Web Hype


Seems like people like to edit things down to what offends them a lot of the time. Positive efforts get sometimes burped.

Here’s where somebody did that with the movie Casino, but in a fun way.

It’s okay to have fun.


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  1. davidpeak
  2. davidpeak
  3. +!O0o(o)o0O!+

      So sensitive . . .

  4. +!O0o(o)o0O!+

      So sensitive . . .

  5. Blake Butler
  6. Blake Butler
  7. +!O0o(o)o0O!+

      I drop one f-bomb, really, and it’s before the hated word “BLOG” . . . . hehe bakatcha bro

  8. +!O0o(o)o0O!+

      I drop one f-bomb, really, and it’s before the hated word “BLOG” . . . . hehe bakatcha bro

  9. Blake Butler

      oh, i was saying i like those, they r funny

      i like you too, you’re funny

  10. Blake Butler

      oh, i was saying i like those, they r funny

      i like you too, you’re funny

  11. Blake Butler

      why r u so meen lee? :( :(


  12. Blake Butler

      why r u so meen lee? :( :(


  13. Michael Schaub
  14. Michael Schaub