September 29th, 2008 / 1:41 am
Web Hype

I Want to Give Someone a $6 Bailout Package

The economy doesn’t look good, but I have a plan.

I have $6 left in my PayPal Account Balance. I used to have more money, but I used that money to purchase many things: the first issue of The Open Face Sandwich, a chapbook from Octopus Books, some subscriptions to literary journals, Shane Jones’ novel from Publishing Genius, and stuff like that.

I would like to give away that $6 to someone or some press or some journal or something. It is not a lot of money, I understand, and I would like to receive something in return, preferably a chapbook, or a book, or some other neat trinket. I know that is a lot to ask for.

The idea is that I could then read that chapbook or journal back issue or whatever and talk about it in another post to promote literature and the economy and capitalism and other American things.

I guess this is like a reverse auction?

I am interested in these places:

Jaguar Uprising
Paper Hero Press
Ugly Duckling Presse
Chiasmus Press
Future Tense Books
Black Ocean Press

I am going to stop listing things, because it is time for bed. I realize that $6 might not cover the full cost of whatever. I hope that is not an insult. It is all the money I have right now in the account. At least someone will make a sale?

At least one unit will move, I guess?

I am also up for suggestions? Please, tell me about a cool thing I can read that I might have missed, preferably something that looks nice and I can touch in a nice way as I read it.

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  1. Blake Butler

      future poem is awesome, i want that book with the map on it

  2. Blake Butler

      future poem is awesome, i want that book with the map on it

  3. mark

      I wrote a story called:
      I work in coffee shop and began stapling a copy of my college degree to every receipt because I don’t want to feel worthless and am tired of the people thinking they’re superior even though I am bad at writing cover letters and making connections and getting jobs in general, but after a few days of doing it I started to feel sad and even more pathetic and thought, “I should just start smoking cigarettes so I can take more breaks,” then things got more depressing because I stapled the hard copy of my degree onto the receipt of someone who ordered a venti carmel macchiato with skim milk and two and a half equal.
      It doesn’t exist anywhere but on my computer. I can not sell you my computer for $6

      For $6 I will let you put anything you want on the front page of for an indefinite amount of time no less than one day in a space of 700X200 px

  4. mark

      I wrote a story called:
      I work in coffee shop and began stapling a copy of my college degree to every receipt because I don’t want to feel worthless and am tired of the people thinking they’re superior even though I am bad at writing cover letters and making connections and getting jobs in general, but after a few days of doing it I started to feel sad and even more pathetic and thought, “I should just start smoking cigarettes so I can take more breaks,” then things got more depressing because I stapled the hard copy of my degree onto the receipt of someone who ordered a venti carmel macchiato with skim milk and two and a half equal.
      It doesn’t exist anywhere but on my computer. I can not sell you my computer for $6

      For $6 I will let you put anything you want on the front page of for an indefinite amount of time no less than one day in a space of 700X200 px

  5. barry

      hello –

      for six bucks i will give you a copy of all of our titles for the next two years. so far that includes. dogzplot flash fiction anthology 08, sam pink’s, i am going to clone myself then kill the clone and eat it, drew kalbach’s, the zen of chainsaws and enormous clippers, samsara, a chapbook collective featuring myself, ja tyler, sam pink, and others, and one collective not yet titled including work from elizabeth ellen, suzanne burns, chelsea martin, and andrea kneeland (fitzgerald). thats a good deal for 6 bucks. holla.

  6. barry

      hello –

      for six bucks i will give you a copy of all of our titles for the next two years. so far that includes. dogzplot flash fiction anthology 08, sam pink’s, i am going to clone myself then kill the clone and eat it, drew kalbach’s, the zen of chainsaws and enormous clippers, samsara, a chapbook collective featuring myself, ja tyler, sam pink, and others, and one collective not yet titled including work from elizabeth ellen, suzanne burns, chelsea martin, and andrea kneeland (fitzgerald). thats a good deal for 6 bucks. holla.

  7. barry

      too bad you didnt have seven bucks. i would have hired my neighbor to hum on your scrotum.

  8. barry

      too bad you didnt have seven bucks. i would have hired my neighbor to hum on your scrotum.