Reviews & Web Hype

New Episodes of The Home Video Review of Books Now Available


Don’t wait for the DVD extras! Watch them now. Books of poetry (and at least one novel) are “reviewed” with short bizarre bursts of cinema, intended to make you free-associate and baffle happily. I’m highly pleased to report that this latest installment contains a review of my poetry chapbook, More Perfect Depictions of Noise. Here’s what they thought-


I say that video is the equivalent of one thumbs up. Also reviewed this issue is Bob, or Man on Boat by Peter Markus, To Hell With Sleep by Anselm Berrigan (the other video included in this post), and a shit-hell of a lot more. Check it out.

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  1. michael j

      uhh, what the shit?

      i knew what was coming and i still jumped.

      how can I get a copy of this chapbook of poems sir?

  2. michael j

      uhh, what the shit?

      i knew what was coming and i still jumped.

      how can I get a copy of this chapbook of poems sir?

  3. Justin Taylor

      Yeah, I had the same reaction as you. I have no idea what that video is actually depicting. Maybe the bottle is hanging from an air/gas hose, that’s filling it up and then the pressure pops it? Got me.

      In other news, you can order a copy of my book from here:

      And thanks!

  4. Justin Taylor

      Yeah, I had the same reaction as you. I have no idea what that video is actually depicting. Maybe the bottle is hanging from an air/gas hose, that’s filling it up and then the pressure pops it? Got me.

      In other news, you can order a copy of my book from here:

      And thanks!