news break: Nebraska Revises Child Safe Haven Law

The work of unruly teens?
ALL POINTS BULLETIN: To anyone who was thinking about writing a story “premised” on the uber-inclusive Safe Haven law of the state of Nebraska, be aware that your work has just become HISTORICAL FICTION. (all text leads to full NYT article)

Top Google Image Search result for "historical fiction." Umm, okay.
The law was revised during an emergency legislative session this week, is supposed to be signed today, and will go into effect at 12:01 AM Saturday, i.e. tonight. So if you’ve got a baby, child, tween, or teen you’ve been waffling about getting rid of, I advise you to put petal to the metal RIGHT NOW, and decide if you’re really serious while you’re en route. For reference, this where you’re headed:
Tags: nebraska law, tween, waffling
the map
the map
For sale: Baby. What??
For sale: Baby. What??
I will be out of the office until further notice. (I’ve got a nine-year-old who has been driving me batshit.) Thanks Nebraska! Thanks Justin!
I will be out of the office until further notice. (I’ve got a nine-year-old who has been driving me batshit.) Thanks Nebraska! Thanks Justin!
i just laughed at my computer screen reading lacey’s pcomment
i just laughed at my computer screen reading lacey’s pcomment
It’s how I ended up in Nebraska to begin with.
It’s how I ended up in Nebraska to begin with.
adam peterson:
i alos just laughed at my computer screen. thank you.
adam peterson:
i alos just laughed at my computer screen. thank you.
I hate this. Steve Lewis took a story of mine, “Apple Baby Moses Law,” way the hell a long time ago, for Issue 6, and now all of this Nebraska stuff. Oh well. There goes Robot Melon, making timely again.
I hate this. Steve Lewis took a story of mine, “Apple Baby Moses Law,” way the hell a long time ago, for Issue 6, and now all of this Nebraska stuff. Oh well. There goes Robot Melon, making timely again.
Oh, and for the record, do not abuse your child before handing it over. The law voids if the child is abused. The child must be in healthy condition for you to be protected. This is what “Apple Baby” is about, sort of.
Oh, and for the record, do not abuse your child before handing it over. The law voids if the child is abused. The child must be in healthy condition for you to be protected. This is what “Apple Baby” is about, sort of.