2 Huge Newses from Small Anchor Press: SALE on Books You Can Buy; And the Release of Another Book Which You CAN ONLY FIND IN THE WILD
Because we need literature in this recession
Dear Patrons,
Close to Home by Joshua Furst
Start Here by Betsy Wheeler
The Viral Lease by Mathias Svalina
X^2/Y=0, but Potential Energy Still Remains by Jake Severn
Two Tribal Stories by Joshua Cohen
Olivas Road EP (songs by V.C. Massimo)
*Sale does not include Mike Heppner’s Talking Man

Mike Heppner and Small Anchor Press announce Man, the third in a groundbreaking series of four novellas by Mike Heppner released in multiple formats in 2008 and 2009.
Man cannot be purchased anywhere, nor can it be read on-line. Instead, five hundred copies have been left in random locations across the country. Readers will be asked to read the novella and send an email through mikeheppner.com, telling about themselves, where they found Man, and what they thought of it, even if they didn’t like it. These comments will then be posted on mikeheppner.com.
Go to mikeheppner.com to see a PDF of the note included with each copy of Man.
The four novellas in the Man Talking series are Talking Man, Man, Man Talking, and Talking.
Man Talking can be read for free and in its entirety at mikeheppner.com. It has received nearly three thousand hits since being posted in April 2008.
Talking Man can be purchased exclusively from Small Anchor Press, a New York based independent press specializing in limited editions of finely crafted, handmade books. A first edition, published in September 2008, has nearly sold out, and a second edition is planned.
Talking will be released in early 2009.

copy of Man left at CRUNCH gym in West Hollywood, CA.
Dzanc Half-off Holiday Sale
From Dzanc:
In the Devil’s Territory
Kyle Minor
Based on a True Story
Hesh Kestin
Best of the Web 2008
Steve Almond
Nathan Leslie
Bob, or Man on Boat
Peter Markus
In a Bear’s Eye
Yannick Murphy
All Over
Roy Kesey
Nothing in the World
Roy Kesey
Unending Rooms
Daniel Chacón
Black Lawrence Press
While in Darkness There is Light
Louella Bryant
Black Lawrence Press
The Last Game We Played
Jo Neace Krause
Black Lawrence Press
Signs of Life
Norman Waksler
Black Lawrence Press
Issue six
Issue Five
Issue Four
Sunnyoutside Holiday Deal
Indie lit publisher Sunnyoutside announced today a Holiday Deal – a buy two, get the third free – running until December 19.
I encourage everyone to check out their catalog of high-end chapbooks and paperbacks.
From the site:
Buy any three titles, get the least expensive one free.
Keep the free one for yourself or just save some money. Simply order the two more expensive/equal value books and when checking out drop a note letting us know what you’d like your free title to be. A particularly good deal for overseas buyers, too, as the free title won’t be calculated in the shipping. Give the gift that can be enjoyed in the warm glow of your auto’s dome light after your power has been shut off and you’ve been evicted from your home. Happy holidays!
Hi, I like So New Media
Here is a post about So New Media.
Things there are happening proactively.
Things are there that involve books, and we’re here for books. They have released books by Jackie Corley, Jen Michalski, and they have released books by Amy Guth and a new anthology by David Barringer with a lot of cool people in it.
Now there is a new editor in the house. That editor would be the excellent Amy Guth. Check out this note from passing editor David Gianatasio:
In a literary move so earthshaking I paused my pre-release X-Files: I Want to Believe dvd to spread the word, Amy Guth will be, according to an e-mail that just hit my in-box, “Taking on much of the effort at So New as Managing Editor…Amy has a ton of great ideas about the future of the press, lots of enthusiasm for the existing catalog, and just the right mix of professionalism, social-savvy and creativity.” Jim Stegall, a god-like figure on the independent lit scene, remains publisher. Both Amy and I have released mind-numbingly brilliant books through So New, so I’m not exactly a disinterested party. I was a fan of the press long before I was one of their authors. Even in their earliest chapbook days, they produced fun, challenging stuff that big-time didn’t suck — and that would surely have fallen through the cracks at large literary houses. (Early Neal Pollack, Claire Zulkey, Jami Attenberg, etc.) Having dealt with them through the editing/publishing process, I can honestly say: THEY ROCK. This is a first-rate outfit in every regard, respectful of writers, endlessly helpful and encouraging and worthy of everyone’s support. So put a crowbar in those wallets, buy some books and help Amy, Jim and So New out, OK?
I like what So New Media does. I like their books. More things are going to happen.
In the meantime, check out the Barringer-edited anthology. What Happened to Us These Last Couple Years?. Go.
Win Nick Antosca’s MIDNIGHT PICNIC
You may have heard by now that Nick Antosca‘s brightly anticipated new novel, MIDNIGHT PICNIC, is coming out this month from Word Riot Press. It’s been through some kind of phantom haunting of its own but now in the firm hands of Jackie Corley and company, it will soon available for your eyes (and is now out from preorder on the site, if you are so inclined, and should be.)
I really loved Nick’s first book, FIRES, and having read MP already I can tell you it is like a mix of Cormac McCarthy’s CHILD OF GOD on too much Kool Aid and full of magic, phantoms, surreal shopping malls, those shots from Lost Highway where it is just the car going into the night, etc.
To celebrate the coming release, Nick and WR Press have hooked us up with two copies of the book for to give away to HTML Giant readers. Entry to the give away is simple:
What is the way you would least like to die?
Answer this question in as little or as many words as you need to best elucidate the exit method. Bonus points have been promised to those who illustrate their deaths with pictures or drawings in MS paint. Whoever most effectively, creatively, disgustingly, or whatever other adverb seems good as deemed by Nick will take home what I can guarantee is a book you will not soon forget.
Another thing I won’t soon be forgetting is the picture the author requested to be included in this post, which I will now bestow up you in all good faith that it will lead your mind to the gory end that gets you the book prize.:
Contest closes Monday night. Let’s hear it.
I’d be hard pressed to think of a better all around guy than Matt Bell, not to mention one hell of a writer. Matt somehow is able to fuse the abstruse with just great storytelling in a way that few are able to unlock, meanwhile also capable shifting gowns of from one mode to another as cleanly as any magician I can think of.
His forthcoming chapbook HOW THE BROKEN LEAD THE BLIND from Willow Wept Press is something to be excited about and look forward to. Here is a press release and how to order:
Matt Bell’s HOW THE BROKEN LEAD THE BLIND is now available for pre-order!
How the Broken Lead the Blind includes ten fabulous stories by Mr. Matt Bell. And everyone’s favorite artist, Christy Call, is working on illustrations and cover art. We have blurbs on their way from Michael Kimball, Mike Czyzniejewski, Dave Housley, Steve Gillis, Steven McDermott, Dan Wickett, William Walsh, and Ryan Call. I think my job here as promoter is done: What else is there to say? This chapbook, I know, will easily sell itself.So. What you need to know is this: How the Broken Lead the Blind will begin shipping in January. Please pre-order now, as there is a limited print run of only 100 copies.
Go here to order. At 100 copies, these will go mega fast. Do a buy.
Kitchen Reading Series
I like this: The Kitchen Reading Series, which is people doing readings in their kitchens.
Tired of boogie-boarding the net, watching laughing babies, silly cat montages, or anything scored to the Benny Hill Theme? For a grapefruit squirt in the eye, check out The Kitchen Reading Series, a video-based alternative to live literary readings. Our first batch features the following writers:
Deanna Fong
Stacey May Fowles
Jp King
Anna Leventhal
Jeff Miller
Hillary Rexe
Vince Tinguely
Here is an example, of Deanna Fong reading from her new book BUTCHER’S BLOCK from PistolPress, which looks really great:
Dalkey Archive’s Holiday Sale
Yeah, I know this won’t make up for my being HTMLGIANT’s least useful contributor (by far), but telling you about the ridiculously good Dalkey Archive holiday sale has to count for something. Right?
What if I drop a few names?
William H. Gass, Jean-Philippe Toussaint, Stanley Crawford, Rikki Ducornet, Rainer Maria Rilke, Gert Jonke, Donald Barthelme, David Markson, John Barth, Michel Butor, Robert Creeley, Robert Coover, Louis-Ferdinand Celine, Stanley Elkin, Witold Gombrowicz, Ben Marcus, John Hawkes, Pierre Klossowski, Robert Pinget, Raymond Queneau, Steven Millhauser, Carole Maso, Tsutomu Mizukami, Flann O’Brien, Gertrude Stein, Viktor Shklovsky, Christine Schutt
Well, here’s the deal anyway.
To bring more world literature into everyone’s holidays, we’re offering—for a limited time—really big discounts through our website on all Dalkey Archive paperbacks (hardbacks and scholarly books excluded).
Choose one copy of several books, or multiple copies of a single book—while supplies last. And there’s free shipping! (It’s included in the price.) Offer is only good in the US, and expires December 10, 2008.
To take advantage of this offer:
- Choose which books you would like (you can search our online catalog by title, author, country, series, or genre).
- Click on the sale options below for 5, 10, or 20 books.
- When you go to “Checkout” you will see, on the first screen offered, a “Notes” field. Please type into “Notes” the titles of the books you would like.
5 books for $35 w/free shipping
10 books for $60 w/free shipping
20 books for $110 w/free shippingQuestions? Please contact Melissa Kennedy:
217.244.5700And happy holidays from all of us at Dalkey Archive Press.
That works out to $5.50, $6, or $7 a book. Sale ends December 10. Get on it.
6 months of ML Press
Wow. ML Press announces their next 6 months of titles, and it is quite an onslaught:
we are very excited to announce the next 18 ml press authors:
MISERABLE FISH by colin bassett
DON’T GIVE UP & DIE by james chapman
A HEAVEN GONE by jac jemc
LIKE IT WAS HER PLACE by kim chinquee
& THE UNIVERSE OF THE BODY by norman lock
WHAT I SAW by randall brown
THEY by brian evenson
BLUEBEARD by michael stewart
(forthcoming) by peter markus
THOSE BONES by david ohle
MOLTING by aaron burch
ALTRUISM by matthew savoca
(forthcoming) by johannes göranssonsix-month subscriptions will be available until the dec. 08 trio is sold out.
$36 / 18 volumes, beginning with the dec. 08 trio.
want to order? click to the here.
2 New from Magic Helicopter Press
Two really exciting new handmade chapbooks (I will not call them ‘chaps’) from the exciting, pastel colored Magic Helicopter Press: Mary Miller’s LESS SHINY and Benjamin Buchholz’s THIRTEEN STARES.
Here are specs:
Mary Miller’s LESS SHINY5×7.5
36 pg
First Printing: November 2008, 75 numbered copies• DESCRIPTION •
A collection of short short stories from the author of Big World (short flight/long drive books 2009). Mary Miller’s stories have appeared in the Oxford American, New Stories from the South 2008, Mississippi Review, Black Clock, Quick Fiction, Barrelhouse, Hobart, and elsewhere.
from NOÖ Journal: “This Boy I Loved a Rock”
from elimae: “South Dakota”
from SmokeLong Quarterly: “A Blind Dog Named Killer and a Colony of Bees”
Benjamin Buchholz’s THIRTEEN STARES.
36 pg
First Printing: November 2008, 75 numbered copies• DESCRIPTION •
A collection of poems and photographs from US Army officer Benjamin Buchholz, who is the author of the non-fiction book Private Soldiers from WHS Press, now nominated for the Book of the Year Award by ForeWord Magazine. Work Buchholz published in 2007 has been nominated for the Pushcart, the Million Writers Award, and included in the anthology Best of the Web from Dzanc Press.
from NOÖ Journal
from Tryst: “Promotions and Demotions”
from Tarpaulin Sky: “Nowords”
Two killer new things to read and gift and give and enjoy. Cheap! Kick it.