September 13th, 2010 / 4:04 pm
Author Spotlight

Mooney, (it dissolved into the salt), freed.

We are all of the same tribe. We all wear the same markings. The book is, in one way, a family portrait: a portrait of our tribe. There are obviously many people missing from this portrait, but that makes sense to me. Someone is always missing. –Blake B. interviews Chris Higgs at Bookslut, and says this: ‘The Complete Works of Marvin K. Mooney seems to me unprecedented via form, making new ways of both telling a story and relaying information, but also doing so in a way that is, as David Foster Wallace so expressly begged for: fun.’

If you’re on Goodreads, you can win Mooney with one click.

And the Marvin K. Mooney Society is redesigned and alive. Buy the book in September and you’ll get a book from Mooney’s library.

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  1. Trey

      ordered a copy a few days ago so missing out on a chance to win it free, but still very excited to read it.

  2. deadgod

      I meant what I said and I said what I meant
      metaphysiction is faithful, one hundred percent

  3. Ken Baumann

      Sent it yesterday; thank you! You’re getting a book from Mooney’s stash, though.

  4. Ken Baumann

      I like this.

  5. Trey

      ordered a copy a few days ago so missing out on a chance to win it free, but still very excited to read it.

  6. deadgod

      I meant what I said and I said what I meant
      metaphysiction is faithful, one hundred percent

  7. Trey


  8. Ken Baumann

      Sent it yesterday; thank you! You’re getting a book from Mooney’s stash, though.

  9. Ken Baumann

      I like this.

  10. Trey


  11. Eric Beeny

      I really enjoyed this novel…

  12. Eric Beeny

      I really enjoyed this novel…

  13. Trey

      just wanted to say, in case anybody reads the post later: I got my copy in the mail today and good god get this in your hands, and fast.