November 19th, 2008 / 2:59 pm
Author Spotlight

Are you Henry Mansfield

I owe Monkeybicycle a lot. My first ever print publication was with them. One of my first online pieces appeared on their site. And for a brief time, they turned editing duties for their site to me—probably long before I was really ready to do it, too.

The last thing published before I took over (the last thing edited by Shya Scanlon) was this piece:

America Fell In Love with the Explosions Technician

Did you read it? Go read it. It rules. It seriously rules. It makes my top ten best fucking things published online list. (As does the previously linked to Thomas Game Boy thing Gene wrote.)

At some point during my tenure as the editor, I wrote to this person, this “Henry Mansfield” and attempted to solicit more work. I never heard back from him. I’ve never seen anything else by him online.

So I figure its a pseudonym. But I can’t be 100% sure.

Dear reader, are you Henry Mansfield? Say hello! Write to me at giantblinditems at gmail dot com.

Dear reader, find Henry Mansfield!  Dear reader, let’s make a saint of Henry Mansfield.

Dear reader, write the hagiography of Henry Mansfield in the comments. A prize for my favorite.

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  1. Blake Butler

      that is a really good thing

  2. Blake Butler

      that is a really good thing

  3. Shya

      If no one steps forward, do I get to take all the credit because I published it? As a kind of next-of-credit-kin type thing?

  4. Shya

      If no one steps forward, do I get to take all the credit because I published it? As a kind of next-of-credit-kin type thing?

  5. Matthew Simmons

      i’m still not convinced your NOT henry, shya. even though you told me you aren’t.

  6. Matthew Simmons

      i’m still not convinced your NOT henry, shya. even though you told me you aren’t.

  7. Ryan Call

      i bet its lee klein

      he’s everyone

  8. Ryan Call

      i bet its lee klein

      he’s everyone

  9. aaron

      Yes. This was good.

      Also: wow. I’d totally forgotten Shya had been Monkey web editor for a while. I can’t believe how long ago we lived in Seattle.

      Finally: that story is rad. I would maybe have also assumed it was Shya. I want to read more Henry Mansfield.

  10. aaron

      Yes. This was good.

      Also: wow. I’d totally forgotten Shya had been Monkey web editor for a while. I can’t believe how long ago we lived in Seattle.

      Finally: that story is rad. I would maybe have also assumed it was Shya. I want to read more Henry Mansfield.