July 6th, 2010 / 8:54 am
Author Spotlight

Flash 14

1. Ken Sparling. 2. Stace Budzko. 3. Kim Chinquee 4. Elysia Smith. 5. Shya Scanlon 6. Aimee Nezhukumatathil 7. Mark Ehling.

8. Damian Dressick. 9. Jac Jemc. 10. Peter Gradbois 11. David Shumate. 12. Jesse Goolsby. 13. Caroline Zilk. 14. Molly Gaudry.

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  1. Salvatore Pane

      Love Dressick’s piece. Anybody from the Pittsburgh area and remember when he ran the Upwords reading series? A sweet event that was.

  2. Phil

      Little known fact: every journal that features flash fiction must include a piece by kim Chinquee. It’s the law–and a damn good one.

  3. Salvatore Pane

      Love Dressick’s piece. Anybody from the Pittsburgh area and remember when he ran the Upwords reading series? A sweet event that was.

  4. Phil

      Little known fact: every journal that features flash fiction must include a piece by kim Chinquee. It’s the law–and a damn good one.

  5. Sean


      I agree and that it also a good law.

  6. Sean


      I agree and that it also a good law.

  7. Nabil

      Dear Sean, I must know where this van is from. I know where this van is from. I know who made this van and why do you have it, here?

  8. Nabil

      Dear Sean, I must know where this van is from. I know where this van is from. I know who made this van and why do you have it, here?