February 3rd, 2010 / 12:30 am
Author Spotlight & Web Hype

“We had the feeling of a new morning / with the lights off.”

Looking for tic-tac-toe with yourself? When you are not even sure you have a self, when it feels more like a rumor shivering in a cathedral? Then hustle like a clod. Keep the night like an arm-around. And check out your new favorite poet, Jack Christian, who paints his boats to display the night and take you to it. He is all over the internet: featured at Ink Node, live at Sixth Finch, Thermos, and Gregory Lawless’s blog I Thought I Was New Here. He’s a poet of the fairgrounds, the airport, and the goodbye-for-real. I think his poem “I Am Yours” from Sixth Finch is my favorite of this web blitz, because it is true in the way that true-making is the only way true happens.



  1. Kevin

      Good call, bro. Really liked “I Am Yours” as well. Thanks.

  2. Kevin

      Good call, bro. Really liked “I Am Yours” as well. Thanks.

  3. Kevin

      Good call, bro. Really liked “I Am Yours” as well. Thanks.

  4. Mike Young

      yeah that poem is a force

  5. Mike Young

      yeah that poem is a force

  6. Mike Young

      yeah that poem is a force

  7. Mike Young

      yeah that poem is a force

  8. Brian Foley
  9. Brian Foley
  10. Brian Foley