December 27th, 2009 / 4:05 am
Behind the Scenes & Film

other countries **Updated**

what the hell is this?

I like it.

Oops, I drunk posted. Watching the video again this morning, I just realized that if it was in English it would be the sort of “Adult Swim” crap that I really hate. Since I don’t understand it, though, I am more inclined to like it.

Which is a thought that I think can be extended to writing this way: sometimes I get the feeling that bad poets are taking a marginal idea and, unable to make it better with vivid language (or a better idea), they make do with making it unintelligible.

Unlike that video, though, I don’t like poetry to be unintelligible. Why not? I guess the difference is that it’s a lot of work to read a poem, and I don’t trust poets. (That said, sometimes I want a poem to be oblique and abstruse, ridiculous, meaningless, unintelligible, even.) (Ha.) **End Update**

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  1. shaun

      The yellow one shows his dick in one of the other videos.

  2. shaun

      The yellow one shows his dick in one of the other videos.

  3. Christopher Higgs

      This kinda reminds me of Peter Jackson’s Meet the Feebles.

  4. Christopher Higgs

      This kinda reminds me of Peter Jackson’s Meet the Feebles.

  5. Paul
  6. Paul
  7. dan

      which one?

  8. dan

      which one?

  9. drew kalbach

      i like poems that ride the line between absurd and unintelligible.

  10. drew kalbach

      i like poems that ride the line between absurd and unintelligible.

  11. shaun
  12. shaun
  13. Tadd

      I hate to ask for names, but what poets (let’s say well-established poets) write what you’d consider to be “unintelligible”? Why I’m asking is because I’m not entirely clear on how the term’s being used here. Is there a difference between bad-unintelligible and good-unintelligible?

  14. Tadd

      I hate to ask for names, but what poets (let’s say well-established poets) write what you’d consider to be “unintelligible”? Why I’m asking is because I’m not entirely clear on how the term’s being used here. Is there a difference between bad-unintelligible and good-unintelligible?