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STARK WEEK GOODBYE: A Partial Index of First Lines
As you can see from the painstaking Filter > Stylize > Wind applied above to our beautiful Stark Week banner, it is time to bid goodbye to the surfer Zen North Carolina clay tennis court poetics of The First Four Books of Sampson Starkweather. Thank you all for reading. Stark Week has been good to me because of all the wonderful people who have written such smart things about these poems of Sam’s, and all the right-brainy artists who have waxed/flowcharted stirringly about trying to contain these poems between arty art. Thank you all for writing. Also during Stark Week was the first time I ever watched Point Break.
I hope you enjoyed this in-depth look at a very large and very spiffy book of poems. You can go back any time, but you can never get the sand to smell the same way in your hair twice. As a final adieu, below the jump is a partial index of all the first lines from the poems in the book. If you want to take one of these lines and make your own four line poem out of it and post it in the comments, you might just find yourself with a free book in the mail, or a margarita in your lap, or a late night phone call from a dude in a cheap, Target-purchased condor suit explaining that he has a great idea for a snack track in your hometown and he won’t stop over-enunciating the word “shank.” It’s love is what it is.
Finally, don’t forget about the tell-us-about-a-crazy-place-you-lived contest, which is running until the end of the night on Wednesday. Now go out and put your first five books in a book. Grow your hair past your hightops. Dunk the sadness.
Partial Index of First Lines from The First Four Books of Sampson Starkweather
999 calories
A good memory is hard to find
A Rubik’s cube with the stickers peeled off—
After the aria,
All nightmares are a matter of proportion
Another obscene gesture (!@#%$&*) has triumphed
As for suffering, didn’t the old masters realize how boring it is?
Ask the photograph. It says science. It says spoon…
At a coffee shop in Peekskill I met a Russian novelist…
At the end of the poem where you die in the backseat…
At the end, even the SARS Czar was looking
Bang, bang, you’re all alive
“Be an uncarved block of wood” my fans would shout
Before we leave, there’s one more thing I need to know
By law, I bequeath the oxygen in your lungs
caucasian magic
Certain haircuts can bring back the dead
Chances are you haven’t been born yet,
Chased by a guy nicknamed The Moose from my high school gym class,
Dear ocean, what do you want from me, with your saline
Death playing opossum
Did I ever tell you about the time I walked into my bosses’office?
did you say river
Drowning, it turns out, is not difficult
Each time you bleed, you come back to me
email me an animal
every poem should begin
Every sentence is a certain surrender
Everyone applauds at the nonchalance with which I sink
For a long time now we have been at war with the sea
Forget futurism and its various films, I want to talk to you
fuck god
Fuck the flood, this wake
Grass is merely an idea here
Hail, Hail, the kid can swim!
Have you noticed all the commercials these days…
have you noticed pussyfoot
He knew the sea was not the sea
Here, take this handgun, cradle it, be confident but don’t think…
here’s the deal
His mother was blind and his father’s right leg did not fit his left leg
Hope cries uncle, kung fu gripped
How can a “last breath” be a cliché?
how do mountains happen
Human beings are weird
I am not a good person
I am sitting in a white wicker chair in the middle of a long field
I am small
I am writing to you from the end of the world
I believe in scarecrows
I desire, against my will, despite these 33 stitches in my wrist,
I dug your horror-movie intro
I escape a tsunami in the soul, the kind
I met a ninja
I saw Mickey Rourke on Charlie Rose last night
I was serious about that shit
I’ve always said Mike Tyson is my favorite poet
I’ve been thinking about that painter who cut his hand off…
If a man falls in a forest and no one is around, does he still make a sound?
imagine this as music
In seventh grade, I couldn’t find the heart
In the racquetball court we made love, God watched
Invisibility is easy; if I could have 1 super power
It hails so much, as if to make me surrender
It is July 44th, according to the microwave
It occurs to me that I need to scream,
It wasn’t exactly prison sex, but
It’s true, I live in the woods alone
“Jesus! We need more balloons”
Let me explain. My dog is dead, no home
let the fish go
light is awesome!
lop off your obligatory birds
love is so competitive
More than ever we are surround by moths
My friend thinks that poetry has nothing to do with words
mystery is predictable
need a cheat code for Mondays
New York is a vast experiment in loneliness
Nintendo always felt more real than life
Once and for all I’d like to explain my name—
“People die at 7-Eleven’s too,”
Perhaps it moves toward you
please accept my eggs
Poetry is exactly like sexual harassment
Reagan supplied the Contras condoms:
“Realism has no place in publishing”
Remember when we met in Philadelphia so I could save your life
responsibility & disappointment
Season without warning,
shape up clouds
similes suck
skin is the shit
Sometimes, like right now, when snow has muted the world,
that Microsoft course
The alarm clock is confused,
the army should do something
The boy, mostly seaweed, was born in the forest
The computer travels inward,
The education of trembling is not handled well in this city
The entire office is crammed in the conference room…
the first step
The hammer, the afterbirth, the anvil, the ink,
The IRS is after me again
the key to anger
The more I become a block of wood, the more you grow into a mountain
The perfect drug is one you only experience once,
The photograph is proof of time
The problem with fiction is that it pretends to be real,
The sky is way too blue like a TV set after kids have fucked with the remote,
the trick is to transcend
There are constantly packs of wolves in the city,
There is an anchor, rising
This banana clip was emptied on a single cloud
this is not magic
This is the story of dark matter
This is what will happen. We will write a book
Tonight I get down from my lawnmower
Torpedo Torpedo
war would be cooler
We remain, your absence and I
Weight. And begin again. This time I will tell you
What good is a wooden horse without an army
When I was little everything hurt
When Randy Macho Man Savage died,
yay vaca
You can have your fucking city back
Zoomania, mineral, animal,
Tags: 999 calories, secret contest, stark week, zoomania
I escape a tsunami in the soul, the kind
only recorded by doodles fingered in the condensation.
Recovery feels like selling out
or combing through ashes for telltale traces of bone.
The alarm clock is confused,
I spit seeds at the calendar to decide what to wear.
Blind pigeons are tuning the church bells.
“Will this meeting never end?”
The alarm clock is confused,
I spit seeds at the calendar to decide what to wear.
Blind pigeons are tuning the church bells.
“Will this handshake never end?”
Oh jeez, I guess comments can’t be deleted then.