August 30th, 2012 / 3:17 pm
Behind the Scenes & Presses

Dark Sky to Close, Barrelhouse picks up the slack

It’s always sad when a press goes out of business. Why’d it happen? What will happen to the books? Are they falling short of an implicit promise? Dark Sky just went belly up. Though I don’t think a formal announcement has been made, Gabe Durham (DSM editor) redirected all the content for the new issue over to Barrelhouse. You can read it here.

Barrelhouse, meanwhile, seems alive and well. They’ve just announced a new version of their “Conversations & Connections Conference” (always a good time) in Philadelphia. This time the event, which has loads of panels about writing and publishing, features a keynote with Stewart O’Nan. I caught the one in DC earlier this year. Sam Lipsyte gave a funny keynote about Zachary German giving him shit in a crowded bar for not writing better books. Barrelhouse is also starting a new reading series in DC, something that features actors performing stories from the latest issue of their magazine.

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  1. Joseph Goosey

      I don’t want to go to the Conversations & and Connections Conference…But I was maybe going to Philadelphia that particular weekend. If anybody who does have a desire to go to conferences wants to get drunk, let me know.

  2. Guest

      I don’t want to go to the conference, but was thinking of being in Philadelphia on that weekend. If anybody who’s into that sort of thing wants to get drunk, let me know.

  3. Adam Robinson

      You and guest should go together.

  4. Joseph Goosey

      Guest and I were meant to be.

  5. Sean Lovelace

      I always liked Dark Sky but these things have cycles. A press is, in the end, human beings. The fluctuations often make the scene interesting. Having said that, I’ll miss D Sky.