October 14th, 2010 / 2:01 pm

Lonely Octopus Response

1. Fantastic new story by Lonely Christopher at Fanzine, “That Which,” from his forthcoming book The Mechanics of Homosexual Intercourse, out next year on Little House on the Bowery.

2. The 14th issue of Octopus is out, and brimming. Also congrats to the three selected works for publication from their recent open submissions: The Black Forest by Christopher DeWeese, Dear Jenny, We Are All Find by Jenny Zhang, and Conception by Rebecca Farivar.

3. At Montevidayo, Johannes Göransson wrote an interesting response to Daniel Nester’s ‘On Bullshitting,’ which apparently really pissed DN off. Why are people so touchy about online interaction? It seems like eating pizza without the calories. There are lots of other rooms.

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  1. deadgod

      Here are some things Goransson quotes from Nester’s post, to the effect that the internet can be irritating for those looking for substantial writing:

      literary culture whac-a-mole
      debate posts or lite manifestos-as-deep thought
      rhetorical calisthenics
      Talking semi-loud at [so-and-so]
      aggregate what [wasn’t] read the first time around
      an echo chamber, a closed circuit that doesn’t keep in mind actual readers
      merely gossip
      can we all assign ourselves a topic […] besides smelling our own farts

      This performance – why, it’s an “insider writer-literary culture trend post-rant, a manifesto lite think-piece that’s meant to get more of a rise out of readers than it is to get them to think”.

      An example of:

      The ‘Blogicle outraged at vacuous internet writing about writing” Cacograph.

  2. deadgod

      Here are some things Goransson quotes from Nester’s post, to the effect that the internet can be irritating for those looking for substantial writing:

      literary culture whac-a-mole
      debate posts or lite manifestos-as-deep thought
      rhetorical calisthenics
      Talking semi-loud at [so-and-so]
      aggregate what [wasn’t] read the first time around
      an echo chamber, a closed circuit that doesn’t keep in mind actual readers
      merely gossip
      can we all assign ourselves a topic […] besides smelling our own farts

      This performance – why, it’s an “insider writer-literary culture trend post-rant, a manifesto lite think-piece that’s meant to get more of a rise out of readers than it is to get them to think”.

      An example of:

      The ‘Blogicle outraged at vacuous internet writing about writing” Cacograph.

  3. Guest

      Nothing new. This Nester guy is always whining online about people writing about writing online and doesn’t seem to get the irony of his whining. He lacks self-awareness.

  4. Casey

      thanks for the Lonely Christopher shout out. Gotta get an Octopus now…