10 sentences

10 Sentences: John Jodzio

Bored of the same old interviews, I’ve decided to start something new. It’s pretty self-explanatory.

1. A sentence using three or more words you consider ‘personal favorites.’ She was a college girl, waylaid by a bad fan belt — he had tried using the word “morass” in his pickup line, but she’d slapped him just like the townie girls always did.

2. One sentence about your grandmother: Nana rubbed my gums with ice cold gin, unless she’d already drunk it all.

3. A sentence using a really bad metaphor and too much punctuation: I realized, suddenly, that Misty and me, we were like that tetherball there on that school playground — spinning violently around that cold steel pole and that the cold steel pole was like OUR DEAD FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4. A sentence spoken by the thirteen-year-old you once were: “Hey fuckstick — watch this!”


Author Spotlight / 41 Comments
July 23rd, 2010 / 3:10 pm

Coming Attractions

1. I love when authors I love leak a little information about what they’re working on, so I was basically salivating as I read this interview with Jeffrey Eugenides at FSG’s Work in Progress blog. Anyone else excited about this? I don’t think I have ever met anyone who doesn’t like Eugenides and surely his likability pisses someone here off.

2. Ever since I finished the Vicarious MFA series here, I have been trying to think of a new series and I finally did. It’s called 10 sentences and it’s something like an interview, something like a game, but not exactly either. The first one will be with John Jodzio & you can expect it Monday or Tuesday.

Author News & Web Hype / 14 Comments
July 17th, 2010 / 11:18 am