Jeffrey Brown

Caption Contest Winner


No. Stop. I don’t need your help. I can do it myself.

— Ben White


Contests / 3 Comments
November 11th, 2009 / 9:35 pm

Htmlgiant Caption Contest


xr_CARTOON_CAPTION_CONTESTIn the spirit of New Yorker‘s caption contest, we are having our own. Jeffrey Brown has graciously not only accepted our invitation to judge it, but will be procuring the prize: an original artwork by him (no details — maybe a doodle, maybe more).  Just comment what the fish on the ground is saying or thinking. (I made the cartoon as a nod, however awkward and unworthy, to the style of B.E.K., my favorite New Yorker cartoonist.) One entry per person. Only comments with valid links to contact information, or accompanying the entry, will be considered.

Contests / 100 Comments
November 9th, 2009 / 3:22 pm