Matt Bell

Matt Bell Interviews JW Wang of Juked

Matt Bell, who has a solid presence online and often points up cool things around the place, has an interview up with Juked founder JW Wang. It’s a pretty extensive interview and I haven’t yet read all of it, but I’ve learned a few things already, such as the fact that Juked started out as just an idea scribbled out on a napkin.

Other things that first began as something scribbled on a napkin? The Dick Rutan Voyager. The seat-belt adjuster for short people. Southwest Airlines. Etc.

Here’s an excerpt from the interview. JW Wang says:

When we started it wasn’t meant to be anything more than a hobby. I just figured I’d get a bunch of fun people together and we’d write for each other. So we started with a bunch of real-life friends, people who were spending a lot of time online and whom I thought were interesting and had fun things to say. Four of them went to my high school; a couple were friends of these friends. Very creative people. One of them works with film, now, one works for American Idol(haha), one wrote TV episodes for Dawson’s Creek and The Guardian. One’s a doctor, I think, one a university admin of some kind, a couple of them are designers (web, graphic). And then there’s me; I went from marketing to writing. No, my parents are still not happy with the decision.

Oh, here’s a little trivia: one of the people originally involved in that student start-up left the company and formed Rotten Tomatoes. Now he’s sitting on an island somewhere, under palm fronds, sipping mai tais.


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December 14th, 2008 / 5:06 pm


I’d be hard pressed to think of a better all around guy than Matt Bell, not to mention one hell of a writer. Matt somehow is able to fuse the abstruse with just great storytelling in a way that few are able to unlock, meanwhile also capable shifting gowns of from one mode to another as cleanly as any magician I can think of.

His forthcoming chapbook HOW THE BROKEN LEAD THE BLIND from Willow Wept Press is something to be excited about and look forward to. Here is a press release and how to order:

Matt Bell’s HOW THE BROKEN LEAD THE BLIND is now available for pre-order!
How the Broken Lead the Blind includes ten fabulous stories by Mr. Matt Bell. And everyone’s favorite artist, Christy Call, is working on illustrations and cover art. We have blurbs on their way from Michael Kimball, Mike Czyzniejewski, Dave Housley, Steve Gillis, Steven McDermott, Dan Wickett, William Walsh, and Ryan Call. I think my job here as promoter is done: What else is there to say? This chapbook, I know, will easily sell itself.

So. What you need to know is this: How the Broken Lead the Blind will begin shipping in January. Please pre-order now, as there is a limited print run of only 100 copies.

Go here to order. At 100 copies, these will go mega fast. Do a buy.

Author News & Presses / 28 Comments
December 4th, 2008 / 7:37 pm

12 Stories will have 12 Stories

12 Stories is a new online literary journal published by Molly Gaudry and Blythe Winslow, which will feature, no shit, 12 stories in each issue. They run the nice new format of publishing an issue when they have 12 good stories to run, rather than skimming through the gamut and rejecting work that ‘was really awesome, really, but in the end just didn’t work for us.’ That’s refreshing.

It’s nice to see a new web journal with a clear clean aesthetic. I saw on Duotrope that they’ve already taken a story by the badass Mr. Matt Bell, so get your word language in the mailbox to them ladies before you implode a little.

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September 27th, 2008 / 12:56 pm