April 14th, 2010 / 11:45 am
Music & Web Hype

Playing connect-the-dots with two dots just gets you a straight line


Most of the work in this world completely sucks balls and the only reward most people get for their work is just barely enough money to survive, if that. The 95% of people out there who spend all day long shoveling the dogshit of life for subsistence wages are basically keeping things running just well enough so that David Brooks, me and the rest of that lucky 5% of mostly college-educated yuppies can live embarrassingly rewarding and interesting lives in which society throws gobs of money at us for pushing ideas around on paper (frequently, not even good ideas) and taking mutual-admiration-society business lunches in London and Paris and Las Vegas with our overpaid peers.

Matt Taibbi, responding to David Brooks’s claim that “for the first time in human history, rich people work longer hours than middle class or poor people.



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  1. Salvatore Pane

      Fuckin’ rainbows after it rains.


  2. Salvatore Pane

      Fuckin’ rainbows after it rains.


  3. Salvatore Pane

      This is it. Face paint from the local party store and leftover CGI from Seaquest DSV have combined to create the greatest music video of all time.

  4. Salvatore Pane

      This is it. Face paint from the local party store and leftover CGI from Seaquest DSV have combined to create the greatest music video of all time.

  5. Schylur Prinz

      I’m surprised it took so many days for that ICP video to make it here…

  6. Schylur Prinz

      I’m surprised it took so many days for that ICP video to make it here…

  7. Justin Taylor

      It’s cuz we were at AWP. There were miracles all up in that bitch.

  8. Justin Taylor

      It’s cuz we were at AWP. There were miracles all up in that bitch.

  9. mimi

      awesome, catchy, funny, life affirming, love

      And Matt Taibbi rocks in his own yuppie bad boy lucky 5% way.

  10. mimi

      *first line refers to the vid

  11. mimi

      awesome, catchy, funny, life affirming, love

      And Matt Taibbi rocks in his own yuppie bad boy lucky 5% way.

  12. mimi

      *first line refers to the vid

  13. Justin Taylor

      you don’t think taibbi is life-affirming? :)

  14. Justin Taylor

      you don’t think taibbi is life-affirming? :)

  15. mimi

      Well, I suppose a lot of chicks would like to mate with an intelligent, good-looking, lucky 5% bad boy, so I guess you could call that “life-affirming”.
      Feels kinda sexist writing that, which normally I try not to be.

  16. mimi

      Well, I suppose a lot of chicks would like to mate with an intelligent, good-looking, lucky 5% bad boy, so I guess you could call that “life-affirming”.
      Feels kinda sexist writing that, which normally I try not to be.

  17. anon

      Mimi, you haven’t personally consulted every woman in the world! There might be [a certain number] who disagree or are lesbians! Ahhhh!!!!!!!????!!!!??!!!!!!!

  18. anon

      Mimi, you haven’t personally consulted every woman in the world! There might be [a certain number] who disagree or are lesbians! Ahhhh!!!!!!!????!!!!??!!!!!!!

  19. mimi

      OK. Sorry.
      By “a lot” I meant, say, 10%.

  20. mimi

      OK. Sorry.
      By “a lot” I meant, say, 10%.

  21. anon


  22. anon


  23. Jak Cardini

      Man, that ICP vid is EVERYWHERE

  24. Jak Cardini

      Man, that ICP vid is EVERYWHERE

  25. drew kalbach

      juggalo mysticism

  26. drew kalbach

      juggalo mysticism

  27. Amber

      I was so fucking pissed when I saw that Brooks column. Matt Taibbi made it *almost* all better.

  28. Amber

      I was so fucking pissed when I saw that Brooks column. Matt Taibbi made it *almost* all better.

  29. (not) Brent Newland

      while we’er on the subject of jokes, here’s one from the archive:

      what did one penny say to the other penny

      lets get together and make some cents

  30. (not) Brent Newland

      while we’er on the subject of jokes, here’s one from the archive:

      what did one penny say to the other penny

      lets get together and make some cents

  31. (not) Brent Newland

      man theres a lot of class rage at this site (i dont have to worry about it cause im rich as fuck from slinging rock)

  32. (not) Brent Newland

      (i aslo work at best buy auto dep.t to supplament my income)

  33. (not) Brent Newland

      man theres a lot of class rage at this site (i dont have to worry about it cause im rich as fuck from slinging rock)

  34. (not) Brent Newland

      (i aslo work at best buy auto dep.t to supplament my income)

  35. anon

      Are ICP in the 5% or the 95%? ICP sell mad merch. They’re doing okay.

  36. anon

      Are ICP in the 5% or the 95%? ICP sell mad merch. They’re doing okay.