Web Hype
What’s Up, Rumpus?

Random snag from the website of Ian Huebert, genius.
Last night I was introduced to Ivy Pochoda at a bar. Very, very smart, that one is. She spoke of the difficulties of translating Egyptian hieroglyphs (tell me about it!) and knows quite a bit about James Merrill beside. Maybe it’s because she was a James Merrill House fellow last spring? Maybe… Anyway, this morning, the Rumpus greeted me with Kate Munning’s glowing review of Pochoda’s debut novel, The Art of Disappearing, which is just out from St. Martin’s Press. Cheers, Ivy!
Elsewhere at the Rumpus, Rozi Jovanovic runs down the Brooklyn Book Fair.
Porter Shreve interviews Donald Ray Pollock (Knockemstiff).
And there’s a new installment of Ian Huebert’s rad comic, Pornographic Barn Owl.
Special Ian Huebert Bonus: visit his site: The Milk Machine.
Tags: Ian Huebert, Ivy Pochoda, What's Up Rumpus?
ivy was also a squash champion who lived in amsterdam. she’s got like a billion and one lives.
also? buy her book
ivy was also a squash champion who lived in amsterdam. she’s got like a billion and one lives.
also? buy her book
Jackie’s right. Might I add, that Ivy also worked as an editor for Butt magazine (http://buttmagazine.com/) while in Amsterdam — for real — and is one hell of a brilliant and funny person.
Jackie’s right. Might I add, that Ivy also worked as an editor for Butt magazine (http://buttmagazine.com/) while in Amsterdam — for real — and is one hell of a brilliant and funny person.
i forgot about that! this blog post needs to become a repository of crazy ivy pochoda stories
i forgot about that! this blog post needs to become a repository of crazy ivy pochoda stories
hell yes! let’s start. when ivy was driving me, sandra and tiffany to bennington in june, we were going through the berkshires and a cop pulled us over for speeding by waving us over. he was standing on the shoulder, beside his parked squad car, and simply pointing for us to pull over — weirdest cop routine i’ve ever seen. and we going maybe 10 mph over, less than the others. then, he let us off. no one ever lets my ass off! but he let off ivy.
i’ll try to think of a better story, one with aliens or something…
hell yes! let’s start. when ivy was driving me, sandra and tiffany to bennington in june, we were going through the berkshires and a cop pulled us over for speeding by waving us over. he was standing on the shoulder, beside his parked squad car, and simply pointing for us to pull over — weirdest cop routine i’ve ever seen. and we going maybe 10 mph over, less than the others. then, he let us off. no one ever lets my ass off! but he let off ivy.
i’ll try to think of a better story, one with aliens or something…