shane jones

Paperwall is awesome

These dudes over at SKINC make a pretty rad magazine called Paperwall, which you may or may not have come across while internet trolling. I must say the concept of this lil’ mag is awesome. Each issue is one pdf page of literature, and it’s usually just a few writers each time. I have a soft spot for typography and creative design, and Paperwall consistently satisfies my want for simple sexy design aaaaaaaand good literature. Woot. Their new issue features Matt Savoca (<3), John C Goodman, and our own Mr. Shane Jones. You can read each issue in about 10 minutes, and it’ll make your day feel special (Not like retarded special. I mean like special special).

Read issue 11 here

Uncategorized / 4 Comments
October 9th, 2008 / 3:50 pm

shane jones writes amazing post about writing amazing story

only can bring you the rippingest, the virgin-ass rippingest, barbed wire tattooed, raw awesomeness of shane jones, who wrote an amazing post about an amazing story he wrote.  his amazing post about his amazing story has spawned this amazing post about his amazing post about his amazing story. has already proven itself a contender in the small lit scene and hopefully this post will reach its already established readership.

Author News / 6 Comments
October 1st, 2008 / 10:48 pm