from da generous Shane Jones: I have a lot of author copies for Daniel Fights a Hurricane and I want to give a few away. I was thinking a contest at HTMLGIANT where people can win a copy by creating a new kind of weather in the comments section and say what its effects are. I’ll pick three “winners” and send the copies out this weekend.
CONTEST! My favorite line in Lost is when Sawyer walks up to Jack and Juliet mid-intense-conversation and says to them, “What yall doing, arguing about who’s your favorite Other?” In the spirit of that and mean, who is your favorite HTMLGiant troll, past or present? deadgod? MFBomb? mimi? Christopher Higgs? Mather Schneider? phmadore? What would your grandfather say if he met the troll? Winner gets to direct a bromantic comedy with the troll and any 3 of our contributors or frequent non-troll commenters.
GIANT’s Backwards Birthday Party!!!!!!!!!
We’re giving away some free stuff to you, our birthday party guests. We already ate the cake, so we can’t give that back (well, we could…), but we do have books & other stuffs. How this works:
We’re going to award a few random winners, and split up the stuff randomly. To throw your name in the hat, email us at our house ( by October 10th!
If you’d like to add stuff to the prize pool, list it in the comments and we’ll add it below. THE GIFTS:
- 1/2 rotation in one of the top book cover ad spots for the month of November
- 1 copy of From Old Notebooks, by Evan Lavender-Smith
- 1 SIGNED copy of the new Light Boxes, by Shane Jones
- 1 copy of Everything Here Is The Best Thing Ever, by Justin Taylor
- 1 copy of AM/PM, by Amelia Gray
- 1 copy of The Complete Works of Marvin K. Mooney, by Christopher Higgs
- 1 audiobook version of The Complete Works of Marvin K. Mooney
- some random back issues of The Believer
- a couple of new books from HarperPerennial
- 1 copy of The Evolutionary Revolution, by Lily Hoang
- 1 copy of Changing, by Lily Hoang
- a random assortment of random books from Lily Hoang’s bookshelf
- 1 copy of In the Devil’s Territory, by Kyle Minor
- 5 collector’s itemish backissues of Frostproof Review #2 (includes Kevin Wilson’s story “Tunneling to the Center of the Earth,” novellas by Christopher Coake and Jennifer Spiegel, excerpt from Mark Svenvold’s book-length poem Empire Burlesque, a Molly Peacock sonnet, and reading lists from Stephen Elliott, Jim Shepard, Lee K. Abbott, Steve Almond, Aimee Bender, a water witcher, a Methodist minister, etc., etc., etc.)
I Like What The Hell Is Going On Over Here
The Birdsong Collective and Micropress is having a contest: $50 to the winner, plus some other junk for your trunk (publication in the zine, &c). Deadline is early next month so hurry the chop up! Only catch, I suppose, is you have to be in the city of New York for their reading in mid-December. Include me out, but guess what? No reader’s fee! That’s because it’s a contest, not a fundraiser! That’s good!
If you’re in Portland tonight, Future Tense is celebrating their 20th birthday! Special guests include Zachary Schomburg, Elizabeth Ellen, and Chelsea Martin! I wish I were there, Kevin Sampsell is a super-sweet dude.
You don’t need to make up a stupid name for yr witch house and/or chill wave band/book/film/mixtape, just let this thang do it for you, right? Duh. Don’t know what I’m talking about? That’s perfectly alright.
A bonus level for “Return of the Quack” (videogame based on Matt Furie’s arts) is available for to play online. And the full game is available in Giant Robot 67. Think I’m gonna wander over to the store today for to get mine own. $5 means the price is right.

Yo! Word Riot, publisher of me (oh and some other folks, like Mike Young and Paula Bomer and Kevin Sampsell), is having a contest. THREE contests. Poetry, flash fiction and short story. The winner of each will receive half the contest money (from their respective individual contest, I assume) and be published in the WR 10th anniversary anthology. They’ve also opened up submissions for the WR 10th anniversary anthology from authors previously published on the site. More info here: I just got a galley of Paula Bomer’s book Baby this week and I’m gonna read it ASAP, like as soon as I finished this amazing Aldous Huxley book The Devils of Loudun that I got from the library. (Read this shit, it’s so good!)
The winners of the weird words for Words contest are Sabra Embury & Sean K. Their entries, respectively:
A fall, it takes, eats–mother crams him, burnt and opaque; her glimpses diamond heavy, dog tired dead, yes–their wall runs blood.
Her fall: a tired mother glimpses their dead dog’s burnt, opaque blood, “Diamond, yes!” wall-runs and takes him, eats, crams it.
Please email satorpress at gmail dot com to claim your book.
In celebration of Mr. Kimball’s & Mr. Devine’s appearance tonight, I’m giving two copies of WORDS away. Make a sentence out of these words: a, and, it, dog, runs, mother, blood, diamond, tired, heavy, wall, takes, glimpses, eats, burnt, opaque, crams, the, him, her, dead, fall, yes, their. Add your email. I’ll pick two favorites by the 9pm PST.
Wink Wink Contest
Been following Hint Fiction?
If you read HTML, yes. (Thanks, Roxane)
I glow flash, write/teach/advocate for flash. But I’m wondering. When do we do this big, when do we go all the way, I mean fucking Double Down KFC big?
I want a contest where every submission is a blank page. Everything off the page.
Who will write the next silent symphony, the 4:33? The Godot of flash?
Who is up for a blank page flash contest?
Oh that’s just silly (or smart?). Let’s go 3, 3–a holy number, words. Give me 3 words. I’ll begin.
Dolphin Nachos, Bono?
(The award is a good book [my choice–it will rock ass], hot sauce [It will kill your spleen and brain. It will be hot like donuts or making out in the bathroom at that Halloween party] and a brand new deck of kick-ass cards [literary theme])
A Hint Fiction Contest + A Flatmancrooked Launch
Last year the term “hint fiction” was introduced in the essay “Hint Fiction: When Flash Fiction Becomes Just Too Flashy” by Robert Swartwood, published at Flash Fiction Chronicles. To commemorate the occasion, a retrospective essay by the same author , “Hint Fiction: One Year Later” appears at FFC today. To celebrate Hint Fiction’s birthday, Robert is having another contest.
What is Hint Fiction? Inspired by Ernest Hemingway’s infamous six-word story — “For sale: Baby shoes, never worn” — Hint Fiction is a story of 25 words or fewer that suggests a larger, more complex story. These are complete stories that hint at a larger story, not a first sentence or random sentence plucked from a larger work thinly disguised as a story. To see examples, look at last year’s winners and finalists.
Friends, this picture was provided to us by an anonymous friend of mine, who is an excellent and well-known publisher. S/he forwarded it to me yesterday, with the following message appended: >>this girl made fun of me in high school (pink dress)<<.
For the first ever HTMLGiant literary contest, you are invited to write an original piece of literature inspired by this photograph. Poetry, prose & indeterminate forms are all acceptable. Feel free to simply provide a caption, or to produce a short-short up to, say, 300 words. Leave your entries in the comments section of this post.
My anonymous friend will judge, and it will be up to him/her what–if anything–the winner receives.