“Passion in writing or art–or in a lover–can make you overlook a lot of flaws. Passion is underrated. I think we should all produce work with the urgency of outsider artists, painting and jerking off to our kinky private obsessions. Sophistication is conformist, deadening. Let’s get rid of it.”
–Dodie Bellamy in Barf Manifesto

Dear Evelyn you forgot to sign out of your computer in the computer lab…

Hello Evelyn. How are you? I haven’t seen you in a few days. The other day I saw someone and we talked about you and how you like to play settlers of catan. That’s a really good game. I used to play with my roommates, but they would always beat me. Anyway, I was wondering if you could post something on HTMLGIANT for me? It’s a story I wrote for a website called Urlesque. The story is about Emma Watson. Everything in the story is non-fiction except for the title. I feel kind of dirty asking you to post a link to my story because the reason I want you to post a link is purely monetary. The editor of Urlesque said if the story gets a lot of views then I will make more money. I don’t want to want to make a lot of money but it is tough not to want to make money so I’m asking you for a favor to help me make money. If you don’t want to post a link then that’s fine. I understand. I am sort of using you for my own personal gain. The idea of using your name to help me make AOL pay me is not something that feels good (p.s. Urlesque is a subsidiary of AOL). In my head I have this distorted vision that by doing this I am taking my first step up the corporate ladder. I am sort of scared of the idea that AOL now controls a segment of my brain and can make me do cocaine even though I’d rather not do cocaine. Anyway, here’s a link to the story: my date with emma watson.

Random / 20 Comments
February 21st, 2011 / 2:22 pm

What is Experimental Literature? {pt. 4}

Because Roxane’s recent post on Davis Schneiderman’s novel Blank engaged so thoughtfully with my ongoing “What is Experimental Literature” series (pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3), I decided to postpone my previously planned posting (which deals with the critical theory of Roland Barthes), and instead directly address Schneiderman’s novel and what I perceive to be Roxane’s basic concern about it: namely, what to do with it.

Unfortunately, my series on experimental literature offered Roxane no help in dealing with Schneiderman’s novel. The reason, I would argue, is that Blank moves out of the boundary zone of experimental literature and into the boundary zone of conceptual literature. The difference between those categories seems just as significant as the distinctions between experimental and conventional literature, and therefore require yet another set of heuristics.

I must say, I love the problems that conceptual literature presents to my attempts at understanding experimental literature. For one thing, it works to disrupt any notion of binary opposition: no longer can anyone mistakenly assume that I’m presenting an either/or when I discuss the relationship between experimental and conventional literature — the spectre of conceptual literature invalidates any such assumption by demonstrating the possibility of other potential categories. For another thing, I think conceptual literature can help to recalibrate our expectations and assumptions about experimental literature.

What follows is my attempt at answering what I perceive to be Roxane’s query regarding Schneiderman’s novel, as well as an attempt to grapple with the differences between conceptual and experimental works.


Random / 67 Comments
February 21st, 2011 / 12:27 pm

Sandra Simonds wrote a really fine essay about motherhood, poverty and poetry you might find interesting.

Does suffering over a manuscript make it more “authentic” or “better”? What about taking a long time to write it? If yes, why? If not, why not? Help me destroy some exhausted and exhausting writer myths, friends. Please.

Andrew cam: Rohrer/McCann book release

Anthony McCann; new book: “I <3 Your Fate”

Matthew Rohrer; new book: “Destroyer and Preserver”

(It got cut off because I was unknowingly holding the flip cam by its power button — forgive me.  It’s still pretty tight though.)


Web Hype / 4 Comments
February 21st, 2011 / 2:57 am

Molly Gaudry, Independent Publicist

Yesterday morning, the multi-talented Molly Gaudry announced that she was making herself available for hire as an independent publicist. Within no time, she found herself in business. So much business, in fact, that she had to issue this press release:

Due to a shockingly overwhelming demand, I am at this time only considering authors with books that have been or will be published by the presses listed here. Please know that I am only going to take on 2-4 individual titles for the next six months, and I will have to make a lot of difficult decisions as the queries keep coming. Thank you for considering me, though, and for your support and encouragement as this company continues to grow.

For anyone lucky enough to fit her criteria, I highly recommend inquiring about her services. Molly is awesome. This idea is awesome. Cheers to her, and good luck!

Web Hype / 10 Comments
February 20th, 2011 / 11:14 am

What should I ask bell hooks about writing when I see her?

Spicer on Whitman

Forgive me Walt Whitman, you whose fine mouth has sucked the cock of the heart of the country for fifty years.  You did not ever understand cruelty.  It was that that severed your world from me, fouled your moon and your ocean, threw me out of your bearded paradise.  The comrade you are walking with suddenly twists your hand off.  The ghost-bird that is singing to you suddenly leaves a large seagull dropping in your eye.  You are sucking the cock of a heart that has clap.

from “Some Notes on Whitman for Allen Joyce”

Power Quote / 12 Comments
February 19th, 2011 / 2:19 pm

The Godz in 1966

Music / 5 Comments
February 19th, 2011 / 5:07 am