Reynard Seifert

Reynard lives in Ashland, Oregon, where he is writing a novel and a screenplay sometimes. He teaches English at an alternative school.

The instinct to tilt your head for a kiss is somehow related to womb life.

“The Science of Kissing” on NPR


Random / 2 Comments
February 14th, 2011 / 3:35 pm

Towlie, Towle & Bean Spasms

It often happens that I return to the same books I want that are like really expensive. Like the Notebooks of Paul Valéry. Anyway I want a copy of this slick little book so bad it makes me think it a stupid thing to want a book so bad, like I should be wanting things like sex drugs and money so bad, but I just want this little book so bad, with a nice simple cover by Joe Brainard. The cheapest I have seen so far is $300. It is collected in Ted Berrigan’s Collected Poems.


Web Hype / 4 Comments
February 11th, 2011 / 2:02 pm


From an interview between Joyce and Djuna Barnes at Les Deux Magots in Paris, printed in Vanity Fair (1922)


Behind the Scenes & Music / 8 Comments
February 8th, 2011 / 1:04 am

I want to put my hand in a jar of jelly just so’s I know what it feels like to be so sweet & sour as sauce.

I think tossing darts at a spinning board which is also rotating round its axes is a little bit like participating in a little bit of temporary contemporary literature. Coconuts. (Something about Spinoza’s eyebrows roasting) And really no one disagrees on the score because the darts are too damn small for most of the participants to see, let alone the patrons. Pineapple. Thank you for patronizing me is the first page of a book of mine that isn’t. Nectarines! Seeing is believing has more to it than you think, think of faith. Banana. Mississippi, but let’s face it; it’s a lot more than not for most of us; most of us don’t have time for such a view. Plums.

Most of us haven’t had the time to have seen a lot of the darts the rest of us have seen and also we are on a gigantic hot plate that is rotating around the game itself, making it difficult to know which part of the board one speaks of relative to another because it is simply impossible to say what we see is the same side at the same time in the same way. Ice cream of fruit. Float.

Thinking on what I am saying is a given. Salmon. So that it seems redundant to say so, as I did before. Roe. But then the affect is different with or without words like. Avocado. With gives you a feeling of humility while without lends authority, or something. Tomato. Either way I am the same person and so are you. Sandwich. But what does it matter? Football cap. It does. Forgiveness. I think. Peace of my mind. Which is why. None of your everything.

The reason everyone agrees on Orange is because the sun happens to set that way. {{{—}}}
The question is is it really so beautiful or is it just that big a deal to see the end of the day.

Like baby in a corner, don’t put language in a jar.
Put it in a penis pump. READ MORE >

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February 5th, 2011 / 11:29 pm

Men’s Truation

From Thou Art That by Joseph Campbell:

Picture a little Bushman boy being nursed by his mother, weaned very late, a little boy already, but still nursing on his mother. That little boy, unlike the little girl, will never become the life-body himself. He must learn to relate to that. The woman need not learn to relate to the man because that is not the problem. The problem concerns how the man relates to the woman. She is Life. He is a way of relating to Life.

So what happens with the boy? Nothing ever happens. READ MORE >

Excerpts & Music / 7 Comments
February 3rd, 2011 / 5:29 am

If your instrument does not exist yet you build it. Then you fuck around.

This is Moondog with his Trimba, which he built himself. Moondog is a blind homeless man on the streets of New York City. It is 1953 (I think) and he dresses like a viking because vikings are rad.

“I am essentially not an instrument builder, but a composer. I am a philosophic music man who long ago was seduced into musical carpentry. As a composer and a musical philosopher I make my living by selling records of my music. I am both the manufacturer and the retailer. And I distribute the records very largely by mail.” — Harry Partch, 1958


Film & Music / 11 Comments
January 29th, 2011 / 9:44 am

“He heard a bird flush / and he turned and pulled the trigger / and saw his friend get wounded.” — George W. Bush

The Long Now Foundation does these talks now and again in San Francisco and I always tell myself I’m going to go but I never go. The talks are long, sort of. And so now. This talk I’m talking up happened in October. Northeast of me now it did and I am looking Northwest. My ear.

It’s about how language shapes our thoughts and sort of controls our brains. A lot of it is about bilingualism and it makes me think on all sorts of things re: Joyce and Pessoa, i.e. voices, etc. Joyce for example said he was capturing “the great talkers” in Ulysses, was diagnosed schizophrenic by Jung. Pessoa obviously had some kind of disorder. Anyways, there’s a movement right now in cognitive science I guess, away from a lot of Chomsky’s linguistics. And this gal be blowing the conk shell like one of them party whistles.

Lera Boroditsky is awesome. Towards the end of the video she talks up a lot of stuff that I’ve been thinking on a lot, especially internal monologue, which she’s going to figure out for me so I can do other things instead, which is awesome. She is awesome. I am 100% nerd crush.

I want to hear way more.

Random / 8 Comments
January 28th, 2011 / 1:45 pm

This episode of Radiolab is about the voices in your head.

Hill of Beans, Can of Words

These are some books I bought or otherwise acquired recently. A hill of words.

& that is a can of beans.

Ben Mirov
Ghost Machine
(not pictured)
Pittsburgh, PA — 2010

I read most of this book at the park that is in the book on a pretty much perfect day and it was a hell of a pairing I have to say. It has the kind of restraint my own work lacks a lot. Makes me jells but not bad way. Read the rest at my ex’s apartment who is no longer my ex while she made me dinner, which I could not believe was happening and yet there it was happening. I often felt breathless and thought maybe that’s not such a dumb name for a movie after all. READ MORE >

Excerpts / 16 Comments
January 25th, 2011 / 6:24 am

“I don’t like sentences… Because sentences are meaningless. The dictionary says so.”

Film / 10 Comments
January 23rd, 2011 / 4:57 am