25 Points: Her
1. Joaquin Phoenix’s mustache first attracted me to this film.
2. The year 2025 seems like a very lonely, interestingly fashionable time.
3. People are so lazy in 2025 that they hire writers to compose love letters for them.
4. Joaquin Phoenix has a picture of a naked, pregnant woman on his phone.
5. Who gets off by being strangled with a dead cat?
6. Joaquin Phoenix needs to stop going after terrible women.
7. Life lesson from this movie: don’t fall in love. Ever.
8. This film reminded me how lonely I am.
9. Realized that Spike Jonze and I have a similar vision of a day where it becomes fashionable to sport a mustache once more.
10. Samantha and all the other Operating Systems reminded me of a friendly version of Skynet.
August 12th, 2014 / 3:15 pm
August 12th, 2014 / 3:15 pm