November 2008

In which meta-parody is predictable and uncharming

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November 14th, 2008 / 6:21 pm

New from Achilles Chapbook Series

I just saw over at the Achilles Chapbook Series site that they’ve announced two new chaps:


This may be old news, but it’s new to me.

Good work Barry and JA and Howie.

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November 14th, 2008 / 1:45 am

New at My Name is Mud

New writing at My Name is Mud by familiars and faves Brandon Scott Gorrell, Kendra Grant Malone, Brandi Wells and Colin Bassett; and also Alex Rettie, Chris McSween, Mike Sikkema, Terry Deeks.

I like this sentence from Colin alot, something about the cadence and reverse thinking: “There were a lot of other people around them who were not living on the rock.”

I also like this sentence from Brandi: “the people inside got older without living.” Some of that reverse thinking again (a contradiction which is implied or actual). Brandi’s bio pic shows her doing something weird with a slinky. To be a successful writer, one must have weird bio pics.

I think ‘My Name is Mud’ was taken from the Primus song. That’s cool, though If someone started a journal called ‘Symphony No. 40 in G minor’ or ‘Baby Got Back’ I would think, ‘pretentious prick.’

Good stuff people. Good job Adam.

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November 13th, 2008 / 3:54 pm

Harpur Palate wants your weird

from Harpur Palate:

Summer 2008 – Themed Issue

Starting in January we will be seeking submissions of poetry, fiction, & creative non-fiction for our next themed issue, The Long and Short of It, featuring short prose (1000 words or less) and long poems (3 pages or longer). Please send 1-3 stories or 1 poem, and mark your submission “themed issue.” We’re trying to shake up the genres a little bit and publish some pieces a “normal” journal might not accept, so send us what you got and please tell your friends. The issue is scheduled for release in Summer 2009.

Give em what they want. Get out the real real. Fecal. Anal. Rough.

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November 13th, 2008 / 3:10 pm

3 Sexy Links for Thurs

* Cover of Tyrant on Tyrant wins.

* The Fireman and the Caper by Justin Dobbs: New strong strange short fiction live at zzzfish

* Quicksilver seeks submission: new online journal forthcoming from U of T at El Paso

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November 13th, 2008 / 1:45 pm

/nor now pays people

Yesterday I picked up a copy of /nor (issue two) from our English Department library and have been paging through it. I like the feel of the journal. I like the look of the inside of it: lots of white space and weird formats, etc. I will read it sometime.

The point is this: I checked their website today and it looks they have just begun paying contributors. See here:

Beginning with its fifth issue, New Ohio Review‘s contributors will receive honoraria of $10/page for prose and $15/page for poetry, $30 minimum, in addition to two copies of the issue and a one-year subscription.

That is nice, right?

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November 13th, 2008 / 12:02 am

First Glance: Sir!

New online journal Sir! is now live, bringing to you fine texts from lots of fine people, such as the short fiction “Margaret Atwood” by William Walsh. Below is a taste:

Margaret Atwood got into lots of fistfights as a young man. He wanted to like people, but people were not nice to him. One hundred percent of Margaret Atwood’s fights were about his name.

A list of contributors to the issue is here.

As you enjoy, send good thoughts to Brian Foley. It’s his fault.

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November 12th, 2008 / 8:05 pm

Darby’s got a thing

You like Darby Larson, too! He’s got a THING! You could maybe do something about that thing!

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November 12th, 2008 / 4:37 pm

Give a writer some of your money

Dzanc Books is sponsoring a Write-A-Thon. They need a little money.

Hey, you have a little money. A little, right? $5, maybe? You should sponsor one of the PARTICIPANTS of the DZANC WRITE-A-THON so that they can continue to publish Peter Markus and Yannick Murphy and Roy Kesey and Kyle Minor and Allison Amend.

And more Peter Markus is coming. And Dawn Raffel. And Robert Lopez. And Terese Svoboda. And Suzanne Burns.

Do it for Steve Gillis. Do it for Dan Wickett. Those guys love books and they take fiction seriously. And they do right by a bunch of really good writers.

You love those people. You know you do.

Hell, you all love Peter Markus. If you didn’t love Peter Markus, you wouldn’t be reading HTMLGiant. Do it for him. Sponsor him. He’s a participant.

Or Kim Chinquee. Sponsor her. She’s a machine. She’s a freakin’ short-short fiction machine.

Or Matt Bell! Everybody loves Matt Bell! He wrote that great essay about Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards for Hobart. Remember when you read that? And it made you laugh?

Or Jim Ruland! He had a great essay about the movie Repo Man in The Believer a while back. You loved that essay!

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November 12th, 2008 / 2:47 pm

New York Tyrant will eat your eyes

New York Tyrant launched their new website this week. It is a very tasteful flash affair jam packed with insane shit and new info, including the aforementioned new issue with the greatest cover ever, which is as such:

Yes, that is Chris March from Project Runway in a bear suit. Fuck yeah.

The line up on the new issue is kind of a feat in and of itself I think: Alex Balk, Eugene Marten, Jason Schwartz, Eva Talmadge, Gordon Lish, Atticus Lish, Sam Michel, Brad Gayman, John Haskell, Cooper Renner, Michael Scott Ryan, Oscar Williams, Ryan Call, Blake Butler, Julian Zadorozny, Ronald Hobbs, M. Thomas Gammarino, Conor Madigan, R.E. Bowse, Justin Taylor, Julian Kudritzki, Pasquino, Greg Mulcahy, M Sarki, S.G. Miller, Joshua Furst, David Nutt, Sarah Manguso, Patrick Leonard, Jeffrey Lewis, Thomas a Kempis, Jody Barton.

You can now order the issue from the site, which I suggest you do soon, as the last two have sold out before they could really even make it on the web.

Also unveiled in the site is the forthcoming Tyrant Press, which will feature titles from Eugene Marten, Michael Kimball, and Brian Evenson. Already a legend and they haven’t published the first book yet.

In addition to all this, submissions have reopened, so all of ya’ll who submit, should get on it. And buy. Buy the issues, esp. if you never have. Don’t be the guy sending blindly to anyone who will read your electronically.

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November 12th, 2008 / 2:23 pm