Tons of novels for only $5, including Here They Come by Yannick Murphy, Stephen Dixon’s I & End of I, many copies of McSweeney’s quarterly, and tons of others.
Two Things I Bought in Gainesville this Weekend
1) from Goerings, the best (and nearly last) indie book store in town
2) a tee shirt for the band Andrew Jackson Jihad, about whom I knew nothing at the time; but I had made it a personal goal to drop 20 bucks at Wayward Council before leaving town. A tee shirt for AJJ’s “Only God Can Judge Me” EP, plus a Wayward tee shirt still only ran me 18 bucks, forcing me to simply leave the other 2 as a donation like some sort of big-city New York Asshole, though the girl on volunteer duty made life a lot easier by being too punk to acknowledge my presence, so instead of having to take the change and then give it back, I just left a twenty on the table in front of her and then split. Also, my mom was with me. It was weird. Anyway, back home now in BROOKLYN, and it turns out that Andrew Jackson Jihad is Arizona anti-folk. My jury’s still out on what I think of them, but you might as well decide for yourself:
July 6th, 2009 / 11:17 pm
Celebrity Doppelgangers

Film still from Warhol's "Blow Job" (1963)

Still from "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here" (2009)
Some people have [-] feelings towards Spencer Pratt, a reality TV celebrity choad-like character who made his debut in The Hills (a reality TV show about the social and emotional meanderings of rich kids in LA) as Heidi Montag’s then boyfriend, now husband. Most recently, he and Heidi quit I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here after an illness suffered by Heidi, caused by at first what the couple claimed to be “getting tortured,” then later attributed to Christian purging, “evil coming out of [her].” The two are devout born-again Christians.
DeVeren Bookwalter, the “anonymous” man receiving fellatio in Andy Warhol’s 35 minute film Blow Job, probably had [+] feelings towards his off-screen partner. This seems to be an +18 crowd, so bear with me when I say that compared to making love to the back of someone’s knee, the mouth is a holy place. When the Warholian 15 minutes of fame turns into 35 minutes of head, it’s time to bring out the stop watch.
Why am I posting about Spencer Pratt? Why do I know so much about this choad? Maybe Warhol’s films had a point — to look for the moments between the spectacle. Yes, yes, but it’s just so boring; I’d rather see someone cry, not come.
July 6th, 2009 / 4:48 pm
File under: Wow. You can get the full text of Sarah Palin’s baffling, incoherent “I quit” speech here, at the official website of the state of Alaska.
I do not want to disappoint anyone with my decision; all I can ask is that you trust me with this decision – but it’s no more “politics as usual”.
Got that right, lady. It’s back to terrorizing the PTA for you–at least for now.
snd me ur txt msgs, plz?
Everyone, I thought it might be fun to get your help on this. For the Dollar Store Super Summer Tour, I’m scheduled to read for 5mins in Houston this Monday with Gene Morgan and others. The dollar store item that I received is in the above picture. It is an elephant cellular phone holster that attaches to my belt or hangs around my neck. This holster gave me the idea to ask you to email me favorite text messages you have sent or received. I would like to combine these text messages into poems/stories/texts/things to read at the Dollar Store Show Tour at Domy Books on Monday night. I promise to post the things at HTMLGIANT after the event so that everyone can read them.
I think this could be fun? Please email the exact text message, with text message language intact, to htmlgiant [at] gmail [dot] com – use subject $ STORE SHOW or DOLLAR STORE SHOW or something like that. I will take whatever I can get through like 10pm CST tonight. I will try to use every line I receive. I hope this works.
Oh, new idea: or you can also post them in the comments section. That might be fun also. Then other people can play with them too, maybe? The point is this should be really messy.
July 5th, 2009 / 12:45 pm
Happy 4th, suckas
July 4th, 2009 / 12:20 am
Philosophy Lessons from Metal Magazines: Summoning
Hi! This is a picture from Summoning’s website. They are metal. Some really nice person (here on the Giant!) told me I should write about their Tolkien fetish, in regard to literature, so I tried to get my husband to do it (I have never read Tolkien and he recites that shit in his sleep), but he told me to fuck off. Also, he hit tennis balls at me as hard as he could today after I beat him 7/6 in the third in a almost 3 hour match we played. I was embarrassed for him being a bad sport- he’s normally a good sport. But I fucking WON MOTHERFUCKA! Anyway, there is a FANTASTIC inteview with them at the wonderful In it, is this great quote from Kant: READ MORE >
Anne Boyer on a Provisional Avant Garde
by Anne Boyer (originally at Odali$qued). I liked this essay so much when I originally read it that I asked Anne’s permission to re-post it here, and she graciously agreed.
1. It won’t be called the avant-garde. It will be referred to by various names, all of them precise, like “the society for touching lightly the forearms of another” or “a tendency toward making chains of half-rhymes in a circle with one’s friends.”
2. It will share with the historic avant-garde that art will often be made in groups, but it will seek or find the artistic and literary expressions that mimic something other than war or machines or violent manly death, something like “human touch” and “animal touch” and “comforting noises made when another is ill” and “maternal protection” and “friendly ritual” and “a little daub of secretion” or “just like playing cards with my aunts and uncles” or “the soft feeling of an arm” or “game for which the rules are never directly stated but which everyone knows how to play.”