A Friday Poem?
what is it called
what is it called when a doe gives birth to her litter
what is it called when you like pain
what is it called when the moon is closest to earth in its orbit
what is it called when a snake sheds its skin
what is it called when a dog gives birth
what is it called when you cant sleep
what is it called when a sea bird lands on a channel marker
what is it called when a solid changes directly into a gas
what is it called when you can’t smell
what is it called when you cant hear
More after the cut. READ MORE >
10 Requests for Better Silence
1. Writing something does not guarantee you the right to have someone look at it, acknowledge it, read it, enjoy it, consider it for publication, have it for breakfast.
2. Writing could arguably be considered art and/or entertainment. If it does not act upon a body as art does (however that is, it often causes at least some sensation) and/or entertain, probably no one is going to give a shit. Birthday parties are for toddlers.
3. Most people aren’t going to give a shit even if it does do one or both of those things, and many people will never find it or give it time even if it does do one or both of those things, and though there are things you can do to improve your chances, please refer to list item #1.
4. Complaining about certain people not giving you “fair consideration” is never going to make anybody want to like you more, particularly when those people are publishers or reviewers or whatever, who get more than their fair share of these inputs (and they like it that way, but it’s still a lot).
5. Art is not democracy. People like what they like, or they find another reason to like it. If you bake me a beautiful cake, and I’m really not hungry, I’m not going to eat your cake, even if I personally can’t hardly pass on most cake even if I’m full as a motherfucker. Maybe your cake smells moldy, or is from a gas station.
6. Because anyone can choose what goes in and out of them, even when they are in a position where part of their “job” is to have things going in and out of them, no one has to make you feel OK with regards to the accuracy, efficiency, fairness, and rules about which they check you out. If I own a magazine, and I want people who want to be in my magazine to eat 14 pounds of lard and provide video proof before I’ll check out their art, I have every right to do that. It’s my fucking magazine! I started that motherfucker so I could do what I wanted to with it! If you don’t want to eat lard stay away from my magazine! There are like 1400 other magazines and many of them are so very democratic.
7. Stop worrying. The stakes are whatever you want them to be, and it doesn’t have to do with exposition. The longer it takes, the better for you. What if Michael Jordan had gotten picked up by the Bulls when he was 15? He would not be Michael Jordan.
8. No one got into this because they thought they were going to make sex and money. They aren’t trying to destroy you, even if they maybe are still in a la-la land of their own. THIS WHOLE THING IS LA LA LAND.
9. Don’t stop worrying. Worry more, but make it yours. Talk to yourself more, into your hands and in the bed and shower. Get angry and tell no one. This makes you into a person.
10. The more times you make the cake that no one eats or only eats a little the better you get at making another.
The Western Sky
While we’re on the subject of Rockstar Games, can I point out that there are moments in Red Dead Redemption where the skies are straight out of Frank Tenney Johnson, Paul Kane, or William Tylee Ranney?
Observe: READ MORE >
Life of drafts
I hate lame drafts, trust me I know. Whenever I have a lame draft, I pull weird shit to try to spice it up. One time I removed all the dialog quotes and put em dashes in front. One other time I turned all the dialog into italics. One other time I deleted all the letters “n” and added this thing about how the writer of the story was missing the N-key (Stephen King did that). One other time I changed a female character’s name to sound more European. One time I removed all paragraph breaks and turned the entire story into one paragraph. One time I said the story was translated into English from Wingdings. When I get really desperate, I broaden the margins to make the story look longer. Sometimes I’ll make the first five words small caps like they do in fancy journals. One time I changed my name to “Toni Morrison” then had to find and replace “choad” into “tar blossom.” I never include a SASE because I never get accepted, so my logic beats theirs. I often shit-talk in my head about people with STDs, BMWs, SASEs, and MFAs, telling myself acronyms are for assholes. We all know the 20 under 40 list, but exactly who is under the influence of a 40 oz.? (Beer with me, people.) The only thing more lame than a “your mom” retort is calling nepotism, or “your dad.” The only thing writing has to do with life is that everything is a draft. Some people want fans, others just open the window to let the free air inside.
Floyd Mayweather on Writing
“I’m a gorilla, I’m a dog. I’m a dog, I’m a gorilla. I talk the most shit.”
“I’d blow him out the water like my fists was torpedoes.”
“I’m not in this sport to see how hard I can get hit or to see how many big punches I can take. I am in this game to fight as long as I can. I am trying to dish a lot of punishment.”
“You have to realize that most of these guys get in there and fight on heart. I fight with smarts. There is no fighter that is smarter than me. Most of these fighters are ABC, 1-2-3. I am like.. 4-5-6 levels above them, that’s why I’m able to beat them.”
“I’m running my mouth a lot and I’m looking for a guy to shut me up. If you don’t shut me up I’m going to keep running my mouth.”
“To be honest with you, I normally beat guys with my C game and I don’t have to pull my A or B game out”
“There can’t be two good guys; I chose to be the bad guy — fuck it.”
“I see everything: I box, box, box. They try and get close and I tie ‘em up, lean on them. I take ‘em to deep waters and I drown ‘em. It’s just my experience I’m not bragging or boasting, it’s just my experience….”
“I will say that I’m just appreciative of everything I’ve got but as far as boxing goes, if I wasn’t trash-talking or I wasn’t flashy or flamboyant I wouldn’t be the biggest guy in the sport of boxing.”
“Most people that got an opinion about boxing… you’ve got to realize that most of the commentators on HBO knows nothing about boxing. The only one that knows something about boxing is Lennox Lewis. The rest of the commentators on HBO knows nothing about boxing.”
“I don’t care about nothing. I don’t care about shutting anybody up. I don’t care about shutting anybody up. I’m happy with myself. I’m happy with my career and I’m happy with my family. My daughter is getting an award today. She’s like the number one kid at her school.”
“I’m a harsh critic of myself, so no matter how I go, I always say to myself I could have done better.”
“I don’t know. I don’t even rate myself. Like I said before, I don’t even watch boxing. All I do is go out there and just do my job. I go do my job.”
[Thanks to Shane Jones.]
Constrain me, baby.
People, it seems, want to hear about constraints.
In grad school, I did an independent study with Steve Tomasula on the OuLiPo, short for Ouvroir de littérature potentielle, or workshop of potential literature. I’d read Calvino and Perec before and had a rough idea about what they were about, but yeah, it was a pretty amazing semester. So here’s the simple version of OuLiPo: The OuLiPo is a group of writers and mathematicians who believe that writing reaches its truest potential when constraints are put on the writer during the process of writing. A few obvious examples: Perec wrote a novel without using the letter e. In French. The OuLiPo came up with all sorts of constraints, whether lipograms, palindromes, N+7, or so on. You can look these up, if you want.
A Few Tidbits on That Whole Over/Under 40 Fancy Writer Genius Thing
Klaus Kinski on Writing
“Fun? There is no fun.”
“Put a bird cage near the window so that the bird can see the sky? It’s much better to look than not to, even if it hurts.”
“You don’t need a framework. You need a painting, not a frame.”
“I could be with a woman in a bed, for weeks even, and it would seem to me like three seconds. Or 300 years.”
“Through the years it became clearer and clearer, this thing. When I had to concentrate on a person I had to become, this thing became stronger and took more of me.”
“It is true what Rimbaud said; If you think a book is strong enough, try it at the ocean, in the wind, at the waves. If the book can resist the ocean, then it exists. Otherwise, throw it away.”
“It is like those vines called lianas, those tropical creepers that grow around you and strangle you. You cut off one branch, but there is another that grows.”
“People who do not see the terrible things therefore do not see the beautiful things, either.”
“I was walking through the streets of Paris. I started crying, because I could look at a man, a woman, a dog, anything, and receive it-there was no difference between physical and psychological.”
“In a way, everything concerning a movie leaves me cold.”
“They think you can dump all this and be an actor. Then they say, Good job. Do you say, Good job to an earthquake?”
“Those assholes! Do you ask a car crash for another take? Do you ask a volcano for another take? Do you ask the storm for another take?”
“I didn’t think anything. I just was Aguirre. You remember yourself in the 16th Century.”
“Why do I continue making movies? Making movies is better than cleaning toilets.”
“The ultimate acting is to destroy yourself.”
“There can be no word to express this secret. Because this secret is very simple, but it includes almost everything.”
“Don’t be sorry, OK?”
“You can call it my consciousness of using my talent like a whore uses her body: to pay the price.”
“Being conscious of all this means changing everything, like in nature; never-ending movement.”
“This is a consolation for cripples.”