The Giant’s Fence by Michael Jacobson

The Opening Page
Amazon Description:
The Giant’s Fence (by Michael Jacobson) is a unique book. Instead of being filled with words, it gives you 80 pages of trans-symbolic script. Each page has several lines of linked, dancing symbols. They live, move, mutate, and die. The whole book could be interpreted both as the song of how we humans invented symbolic communication, and the telling of its slow disintegration. There are at least 2 ways to “read” The Giant’s Fence. You can begin at page 1, scan the first line, scan the second line, and so on, as you would read a regular book. You can also flip to a random page, and jump to a line which catches your eye. Some pages distort the rows of horizontal lines of symbols into curves, so you can’t exercise your usual reading habits. The Giant’s Fence stimulates new ways of reading and new ways of thinking. As the introduction says, “any meaning” the reader constructs “is a correct translation.” The book’s title is a translation of Finnish “Jatulintarha”, a name given to many of the stone labyrinths found in Finland. The only precursors to The Giant’s Fence are the hypergraphic novels of the Lettristes (such as Alain Satie’s Ecrit en Prose) and some of the more complex works of asemic poetry. If you want to step outside of language, and bathe in unmuddied waters, this book is for you.
HTMLGIANT custom made receipt for submitting to Tin House
Would be fun if y’all printed this out and submitted…
Vouched Books
Christopher Newgent has a new project, Vouched Books and it is pretty awesome.
The concept around Vouched is simple.
Vouched is here to spread and promote small press literature by peddling literary wares at art events and farmers/flea markets around Indianapolis. Every book on the Vouched Books table is a book that Chris personally read and enjoyed and wants other people to read and enjoy.
Most of all, Vouched is about talking about books. Small presses are putting out some of the best and most artistic literature out there. Chris wants to talk about these books, and wants these books to be talked about.
Check them out and consider making a donation to support the project.
Tin House
If you want to submit to Tin House, you’ll need to send a receipt proving that you bought a book in a bookstore. What do you think?
July 2nd, 2010 / 3:08 pm
Tao Lin News x 2 re via scare quote hamster with 3 x killing scare rampage quote potential
Today is Tao Lin’s birthday. He is 27 years old.
Also, according to his blog, today is the last day of operations for The Tao Lin Store. If a person was a person who enjoys Tao Lin, or in some respect ‘supports’ his existence, this might be a fine day to lend some ‘existential’ ‘support’ in the ‘form’ ‘of’ ‘purchasing’ one or ‘more’ ‘i’te’m’s’ ‘f’r’o’m’ the Tao Lin store. One item ‘you’ might ‘want’ is a ‘copy’ of the ‘2nd’ edition of Sometimes My Heart Pushes My Ribs by ‘Ellen’ Ke’nn’edy. Early ‘reports’ suggest ‘5 x fixed typo,’ and an ‘updated’ copyright page. You could also pre-order a copy of Richard Yates, either at the ‘link’ ‘I’ ‘just’ ‘offered’ or you could get your ‘copy’ early if you join the Rumpus Book Club, because ‘RY’ is ‘their’ next ‘selection’.
IS THERE A ‘CONNECTION’ BETWEEN TAO’S BIRTHDAY AND THE ‘CLOSING’ OF HIS ONLINE STORE? Stephen and Marshall will be moderating a discussion on this topic in our comments section. Wild speculation is encouraged. Happy birthday, friend.

Still from "Versions," by Oliver Laric, 2010
Versions is a brilliant video essay [via Booooooom!]
Walking Contest
The winner of the Ten Walks/Two Talks who-has-walked-the-farthest contest is Michael the Girl’s father. Other people might have walked farther than his 50 puking miles, and some people might have walked in hillier terrain, or in a sooty 9-11 city, but Michael the Girl’s father is the only person who was nominated by someone else. And also, he still walks 10 miles a day. He’s probably walking now, dang.
Michael the Girl’s father wins a copy of Ten Walks/Two Talks, courtesy of Jon Cotner and Andy Fitch. Michael the Girl, contact me at adam at publishinggenius dot com and off we go!
Reminder: Ten Walks/Two Talks contest for the commenter who has taken the longest walk ends tomorrow at noon…